Brought down COVID deaths by 90%’: Biden's wild claims

Joe Biden made a series of wild claims in a tweet Wednesday, taking responsibility for almost completely eliminating COVID-19 deaths, opening the country and creating the largest jobs recovery in history. 

“My approach has brought down COVID deaths by 90%,” Biden tweeted. “It’s opened schools and businesses that were shuttered. And it’s created the greatest jobs recovery in American history. 8.7 million new jobs in just 16 months – an all-time record.” 

The Biden administration has recently increased its misleading messaging, saying just last week that the economy, which is on the brink of a recession, “is in a better place than it has been historically.” 

Now, Biden is claiming to have brought down 90% of COVID deaths by comparing current fatalities to those same time last year, despite last year’s dip leading to a large spike in deaths. Biden has presided over more COVID deaths than President Donald Trump, having marked one million deaths last month. 

It is unclear what steps Biden and his handlers believe they took to achieve such a large decline in COVID-19 deaths. The Biden administration came under fire last year for allowing tens of thousands of illegal immigrants to swarm over the southern border without having to show a negative COVID-19 test, which was required of every legal visitor to the country. 

In defense of this decision, the White House said that the immigrants were “not intending to stay here for a lengthy period of time.”  

Last month, the White House was forced to retract its claim that “there was no vaccine available”, a claim Biden made prior in February 2021. 

Biden’s other claim that he re-opened schools is also misleading, because Biden was the one who closed them. As reported by America’s Frontline News, teachers' unions were able to successfully lobby the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to keep schools closed. 

But users’ responses show that many were not easily hoodwinked. 

“You… you can’t be serious.” 

“This sure as Hell isn’t what I voted for when I marked my ballot for Biden..” 

“We all want trump back.” 

“Siri show me gaslighting” 

“Almost 1 million jobs below [pre-pandemic] levels.... Your policies and spending are making us a third world country.” 

“Your approach? To do what? What specifically did you change that resulted in these outcomes? You got lucky that the vaccine was already readily available and being administered at over 1 million doses per day when you took office.” 

“What approach did you use? The virus variant changed from a deadly one to a very mild one. What exactly did this have to do with you?” 

“’It’s opened schools and businesses that were shuttered.’ They were shuttered by order of the government. You didn’t even lift those lockdowns, the governors and local officials did. The ones that ignored you opened the fastest BTW.” 

“Is anyone gullible enough to fall for this? Your fellow Dems are the ones who closed schools and businesses under Trump. Opening them under your regime doesn’t count.”