Broadcaster who called unvaccinated ‘f*cking STUPID’ announces terminal diagnosis

South African broadcaster Jeremy Mansfield, who called for forced vaccinations and was openly hostile towards those who refused the COVID-19 injections, announced this month that his recent bout of cancer has turned terminal. 

Mansfield positioned himself last year as one of the COVID-19 injection’s most fervent followers, advocating punishments such as banned entry, public shaming and severe lockdowns against those who refused the shots. 

“Get the jab or go home,” the 59-year-old radio and television personality wrote in a November Facebook post to his over 85,000 followers. “Anyone else who cannot supply electronic proof of their vaccination in a public place (pub, restaurant, theatres, sports gatherings, churches etc.) should be denied entry."

The link between the COVID-19 shots and cancer was brought to the forefront last year when Dr. Ryan Cole, MD sounded the alarm about a dangerous increase in cancerous cells. 

“Since January 1, in the laboratory, I’m seeing a 20-times increase of endometrial cancers over what I see on an annual basis,” said Dr. Cole in a video, explaining the detrimental effect of the injections on the immune system and CD8 T-cells, which are instrumental in fighting off cancer.  

Dr. Cole was roundly criticized by the media and their “fact-checkers”, who claimed Dr. Cole was wrong because if there was a rise in cancer they would know about it. The CDC notes that 2019 is the last year for which incidence data is available. 

“Anyone who refuses to be vaccinated without medical proof as to why should be subject to level 5 lockdown," insisted Mansfield. "By not being vaccinated you are not only not protecting yourself. You are are placing everyone you come into contact with at risk. You are also as guilty as the government is of being part of the problem that is costing this country thousands of jobs. Just look for example at the hospitality industry. And investment, look to the broader international and local liquor industry. Think. Then just do the right thing. For everyone's sake.” 

Mansfield received his second injection on August 31, 2021. 

In a September broadcast, Mansfield failed to hold back laughter when his guest suggested (at the 2:21 mark) that “if you want South Africans to get vaccinated, just deny them access to booze shops and the soccer stadiums until they do.” 

“I am so sick and tired of the anti-vaxxer unfounded, unattributed bullshit they spread,” he wrote in another Facebook post in December. “I salute the Wits Senate acknowledging the fact that the vaccinated hold the rights. Either go and get vaccinated or walk around without a mask in public so those of us who have shown responsibility can see what F*€king STUPID actually looks like.” 

On January 20th, Mansfield revealed after a two-week hiatus that he had been diagnosed with a form of liver cancer, and confirmed a week later that “it seems to be wide spread in the healthy sections.” 

Earlier this month, Mansfield notified his followers that the cancer is terminal.  

"Have had it confirmed by the specialist surgeon that is leading everyone in the team looking after me that my cancer is confirmed stage 4, terminal and is now only subject to palliative care,” he wrote on August 5.