British social worker blacklisted for criticizing gender totalitarians

A British social worker is being denied employment while under investigation for criticizing a gender-confused figure. 

Fifty-two-year-old Louise Chivers slammed gender confusion spokesman Dylan Mulvaney for mocking women after he posed in women’s underwear for a Nike promotion. Mulvaney, who claims to believe he is a woman, has been celebrated by corporations and the Biden administration, and has become a figurehead for gender autocracy.

Chivers, who has 25 years of experience in social work, was training with colleagues when a discussion came up concerning “gender-neutral” bathrooms. Chivers said she was uncomfortable using such facilities, where she said women are eight times more likely to be raped. 

When the conversation turned to Mulvaney, Chivers said she thought him a “misogynist who mocks women” and “a skinny gay man with no t*ts”, and suggested she would no longer purchase Nike products.

The mother of two was reported to social work regulator Social Work England for her comments after a Leicestershire County Council manager determined there was a risk she “might misgender someone”. Recruiters are refusing to find Chivers work pending an investigation by Social Work England’s investigation, reports The Telegraph.

“Afterwards, I was contacted by my managers who demanded to know what I had said. I was then told by the recruitment agencies that I use to apply for jobs that they would not find me work until conclusion of the investigation,” said Chivers.

“I feel like I’ve been blacklisted. The inference that because I am gender-critical, I must be transphobic.”

Though Chivers herself says she is attracted to the same sex, her privileged minority status — neither as a same sex-attracted person nor as a female — is enough to protect her against gender totalitarianism, which she says is getting “ridiculous”.

“I do have to bite my tongue in a lot of these training sessions,” she shared. “I once attended an ‘Alphabet Soup’ session run by Cambridgeshire County Council when a member of staff expressed concerns about people misgendering dogs.

“It is getting ridiculous. None of this improves the social work we do. Like a lot of people, I’m fed up with this obsession about gender ideology and just want to get on with my job.”

But in the United Kingdom, where even thoughts can be grounds for arrest, there may be little hope of “just getting on”.

Surrey Police are attempting to assign a probation officer to a journalist accused of “misgendering” and monitor all her communications. 

Caroline Farrow, a journalist and mother of five, was the subject of a five-month-long police investigation in 2019 for opinions she expressed on social media regarding gender disorientation. According to Farrow, her chief crime was “misgendering” — referring to someone by their actual gender and not the gender they claim to be.

Last year, Farrow was also arrested in her home for “malicious communications and harassment” while she was making dinner for her children. Photos provided by Farrow show police forcing their way into her house. When she asked to see a warrant, they replied, “We don’t need one.” Police seized several electronic devices, including from her husband’s parish next door. They then brought Farrow outside where a female officer subjected her to a body search and took her to the station.

In December, UK Metropolitan Police summoned James Goddard to a meeting due to a social media post which offended rainbow flags.

In July, a decorated British war veteran was arrested for “malicious communications” after police received a complaint about one of his social media posts. The offending post showed a swastika made of rainbow flags, a commentary on the state-sponsored intimidation of citizens to embrace same-sex attraction and gender disorientation.