BREAKING: ER chief says Israel Health Ministry has been ‘lying for two years’

In a bombshell report by Bereshit News, another hospital director has come forward with allegations that Israel’s Health Ministry is feeding false COVID-19 information and a distorted narrative to the Israeli public. 

Laniado Hospital in Netanya Emergency Department Director Dr. Amir Shahar said the Health Ministry is grossly misrepresenting COVID-19 numbers. In fact, while the Ministry is reporting 1,100 severe COVID-19 cases (at the time of the interview), Shahar says that in reality, the actual number is closer to 40-50 in the entire State of Israel. 

“They’ve been lying to us for two years,” said Shahar. 

In fact, Shahar says he has not come across new COVID cases in some time, but he has had patients with COVID-like symptoms who actually had the flu, this being winter. 

Moreover, Shahar says that in healthcare, there is really no such thing as an “asymptomatic patient". A patient with no symptoms, says the doctor, is a healthy patient. The number of asymptomatic COVID cases that we see are determined by tests, which Shahar says is a billion-dollar industry of "insanity”. 

Shahar also accused Israeli hospitals of covering up recovery rates. What the hospitals aren’t telling the public, revealed Shahar, is that their COVID-19 recovery rate is close to 100%.  

But these cover-ups are not without motive. Many hospitals are offered COVID-19 bonuses by the government which incentivize hospitals to magnify COVID numbers, as is the case in the United States. 

Shahar went on to say that with just 20% of the COVID-19 funding “wasted” by the government, the lives of 20,000 patients could have been spared. 

Laniado Hospital, also known as Sanz Medical Center, has treated over 1 million patients. 

But Shahar is hardly the first hospital administrator to challenge the Israeli government’s COVID-19 narrative. 

Just this month, AFLDS Frontline News reported that Dr. Yaakov Giris, the director of the COVID-19 ward at Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center (Ichilov), said that 80% of the hospital’s severe COVID-19 cases were among the fully vaccinated.