Brad Skistimas 'Will Not Be Leaving Quietly'

Singer/songwriter Brad Skistimas has a microphone, and he knows how to use it. His independent solo act Five Times August has already been making waves for years, but over the last few, Skistimas has taken his talent in a new direction. In response to the last three years of tyranny, Five Times August has created a series of powerful protest songs, now available on his new full-length album “Silent War.” 

His music tackles such loaded topics as COVID mandates, Anthony Fauci, vaccines for children, and the Biden administration, impacting his listeners with messages that inspire, embolden, and tell it like it is.


There are many gems to be found within Five Times August’s “protest playlist." His Fauci-inspired song “Sad Little Man” won the #1 spot on several Amazon and Apple Music charts. The heartfelt ballad “Fight for You” about protecting children from the dangers of the COVID vaccine is poignantly showcased in a music video featuring footage from a protest march. Other titles such as “God Help Us All” and “I Will Not Be Leaving Quietly” highlight the musician’s commitment to unapologetically speaking the truth in times of tyranny.

Upon the recent release of “Silent War” Dr. Pierre Kory commented on the critical importance of Five Times August’s courageous campaign to use his music meaningfully:

The most talented, informed, & courageous musician in Covid. Society would have been dramatically more protected from the attack on our personal liberties if there had been hundreds more like him. Never forget this historic failure of the music industry to protest injustice

No hiding in the studio for this musician on a mission. On January 23, 2002, Five Times August took his music to the capital, performing his song “Silent War” on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial for an audience of 35,000.

Not surprisingly, Five Times August has been censored on YouTube and Facebook for some of his music videos. Undeterred, he’s received much positive press attention through venues such as Glenn Beck, Chad Prather, Del Bigtree’s The HighWire, The Federalist, The Post Millennial, and RebelNews.

But as a fully independent, “Do-It-Yourself” artist, Five Times August is beholden to no one but himself and the message he’s committed to sharing. Skistimas comments: 

“I am a completely independent operation which means there's no record label or team of suits pushing this music to the public. Five Times August relies entirely on fan support to keep the songs out there and on the move. Your kind contributions help fund new recordings, physical album and merchandise production costs, travel expenses, promotional fees, and so much more.”

To support Five Times August's courageous work, please contribute via the following options: 
Send via PayPal.Me/Bradley Skistimas or Venmo @fivetimesaugust