Billionaire tells globalist conference: Globalism will end civilization

Billionaire Elon Musk Wednesday warned globalists at the World Government Summit that globalism will be the end of civilization, and even discouraged too much cooperation between countries.

The World Government Summit is an annual globalist conference which brings together governments from around the world to collaborate towards a “global government” utopia. This year’s summit, which began on February 13th, was held in Dubai and was attended by ministers from 80 countries, 20 presidents and 250 ministers from around the world. The theme this year was “Shaping Future Governments”.

In a virtual address to the conference’s attendees, Elon Musk slammed the conference and its purpose.

"I know this is called the 'World Government Summit,' but I think we should be a little bit concerned about actually becoming too much of a single world government," Musk said.

"If I may say, we want to avoid creating a civilizational risk by having — frankly, this might sound a little odd — too much cooperation between governments," the world’s richest man continued. 

Musk referenced the fall of the Roman Empire in the fifth century and the concurrent rise of Islam. This was a good thing, he said, because civilization was still preserved.

"While Rome was falling, Islam was rising, so you had a caliphate doing well while Rome was doing terribly. And that ended up being a source of preservation of knowledge and many scientific advancements."

"So I think we need to be a little conscious of being too much of a single civilization because if we are too much of a single civilization, then the whole thing may collapse," he continued.

The Tesla CEO also warned of countries “cooperating too much”.

“I'm obviously not suggesting war or anything like that. But I think we want to be a little wary of actually cooperating too much," Musk concluded. "It sounds a little odd, but we want to have some amount of civilizational diversity so that if something does go wrong with some part of civilization then the whole thing doesn't just collapse and humanity keeps moving forward."

Musk joked on Twitter that the World Government Summit "seemed like the right venue" to trash globalism.

Last year, the World Government Summit ran under the theme of a “New World Order” where attendees discussed such globalist innovations as central bank digital currency, which would enable governments to monitor and control how private citizens spend their money.

Economist and author Dr. Pippa Malmgren, a former adviser to former US President George W. Bush and a World Economic Forum Global Leader for Tomorrow, was very upfront about the global governments' agenda to make the entire financial system digital, which would facilitate more tracking and control of citizens. 

“What underpins a world order is always the financial system,” said Malmgren. She said she was privileged that her father advised former US President Richard Nixon, who took the USA off the gold standard in 1971, because that showed “how important a financial structure is to absolutely everything else.” 

“And what we’re seeing in the world today, I think is we’re on the brink of a dramatic change, where we’re about to — and I’ll say this boldly — we're about to abandon the traditional system of money and accounting, and introduce a new one,” Malmgren said, smiling. 

She went on to explain that the new financial system would run on a digital blockchain structure. 

“And the new one, the new accounting, is what we call ‘blockchain’. It means digital, it means having an almost perfect record of every single transaction that happens in the economy, which will give us far greater clarity over what’s going on.” 

Malmgren acknowledged that there would need to be a “balance of power between governments and citizens,” which is why she believes there would need to be a “digital constitution”. 

But the economist stressed that this digital blockchain financial system will be the property of the world’s most powerful governments. 

“This new money will be sovereign in nature,” she said. “Most people think that digital money is crypto and private. But what I see are superpowers introducing digital currency. The Chinese were the first. The US is on the brink, I think, of moving in the same direction and the Europeans have committed to that as well.”