Bill Gates mocks unmasked people, says no ‘downside’ to wearing masks

Bill Gates mocked unmasked people as well as anyone who is anti-mask mandate during a discussion panel Friday at the Munich Security Conference, where he sat without a mask.  

The controversial tech tycoon was joined on the panel by Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Joly, Swedish Foreign Affairs Minister Anne Linde, and International Crisis Group CEO Comfort Ero. 

None of the panelists were wearing masks. 

“You know, what is the downside of wearing a mask? I mean, it’s got to be tough,” said Gates, dripping with sarcasm. “You know, you have to wear pants. I mean, this is tough. Stop. These societies are so cruel. Why did they make you wear pants? I’m trying to figure it out.” 

It’s unclear whether Gates was mocking those who don’t want to wear masks outdoors, indoors, or both.  

Still, suggesting that there is no “downside” to wearing a mask is bizarre, given that mask injuries are not unheard of. 

A recent joint study by Toronto and Ben Gurion universities found that masks cause a 20% impairment on a child’s ability to recognize faces (compared with 15% for adults), which in turn causes social difficulties. 

In 2020 alone, mask-related injuries soared 2,400%, according to a research letter published on the National Institute of Health’s website. Mask-related injuries jumped from 200 to 4,976, according to the research. 

It’s also curious that Gates would compare wearing masks to wearing pants, given the narrative that masks protect others and are therefore virtuous. However erroneous, no such argument can be made for wearing pants. 

Gates also mocked people who question the relentless war that he and Dr. Anthony Fauci have been wagering against hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), which has been shown to cure early COVID-19. 

“You almost have to laugh about it,” said the former richest man in the world. “I mean, you know, Dr. Fauci and I are just killing millions of people to make money. You know, hydroxychloroquine’s this miracle cure that…he and I have masterminded, avoiding people saving their lives by taking this thing.” 

Interestingly, this remark by Gates is not completely preposterous. HCQ has saved countless lives from COVID-19, as attested to by America’s Frontline Doctors and myriads of physicians around the world. It is still unclear why the medical bureaucracies and mainstream media have been rallying against the drug, even banning its use to cure COVID-19. 

One of the most significant differences, however, between HCQ and the COVID-19 vaccines is that HCQ is significantly cheaper, while Gates has invested over $10 billion in vaccine development and distribution. 

At the conference, Gates also notified the public of the next pandemic. 

"We'll have another pandemic. It will be a different pathogen next time," Gates said.