Biden’s Truth Commissar claims social media silences liberals, minority groups

Disinformation Governance Board (DGB) head Nina Jankowicz, tasked with managing truth and disinformation for the United States, claimed in a video over the weekend that social media silence liberals and minority groups. 

Jankowicz said there is an overwhelming amount of research showing this. 

"There’s already this idea, this allegation that there is anti-conservative bias on the platforms, even though there has been study after study proving, in fact, that often it’s liberal voices that are being silenced, particularly minority voices on social media. So I think we’re going to see more allegations of that," said Jankowicz. 

However, while there do not appear to be any studies showing that social media silence the Left or minority groups, there is research suggesting that minority opinions are silenced on social media. 

A Pew Research study sought to establish whether Spiral of Silence Theory could be applied to social media. Spiral of Silence Theory suggests that those who feel their opinion is in the minority are more likely to remain silent about their views, and in the end do indeed become the minority because of their silence. 

Pew Research established that, in fact, those who feel their opinion is in the minority are less likely to voice it on social media. 

Other research suggests that social media giants like Google manipulated results to grant Hillary Clinton an edge in the 2016 presidential election. 

Ironically, it was Nina Jankowicz who recently expressed an aversion to free speech on social media, telling NPR last month that the thought of free speech platforms makes her “shudder”.  

“And I shudder to think about if free speech absolutists,” she said, referring to new Twitter owner Elon Musk, “were taking over more platforms, what that would look like for the marginalized communities all around the world...” 

Jankowicz’s remarks are only the latest in a string of bold attempts to sow disinformation. 

As reported by Frontline News, Nina Jankowicz was among those who insisted that the New York Post’s story about Hunter Biden’s “laptop from hell” - which exposed corruption within the Biden family – was Russian disinformation. But even the mainstream media have since admitted that the laptop and its contents were genuine, with Hunter Biden now the subject of a federal investigation.  

“Back on the laptop from hell, apparently-” Jankowicz wrote in October 2020. “Biden notes 50 former natsec officials and 5 former CIA heads that the laptop is a Russian influence op. Trump says ‘Russia, Russia, Russia.’” 

In an interview with NPR, the Russian disinformation expert also decried “the disinformation narrative surrounding President Biden's son Hunter and his work in Ukraine on the board of a Ukrainian energy company.”  

Jankowicz has also been known to spread disinformation of her own, writing in 2020 that Trump supporters would try to intimidate and harass voters at the polls. She especially accused Trump of inciting his supporters to violence at the polls by the way he said he would urge them to remain calm.