Biden’s Surgeon General calls for more censorship

by Yudi Sherman

United States Surgeon General Vivek Murthy has called for the censorship of information that challenges the COVID-19 narrative. In an interview with MSNBC Host Mika Brzezinski on Tuesday, Murthy was asked what he thinks should be done about “misinformation”, particularly on Joe Rogan’s podcast.

“What do you think are the best ways to push back on misinformation about COVID that continues to be aggressively pushed, whether it be Joe Rogan’s podcast or all over Facebook?” Brzezinski asked the surgeon general.

In response, Murthy called on Big Tech to censor dissenting views under the label of “misinformation”.

"Now when it comes to how we root out the misinformation in society right now, and give people access to accurate information, we've got to do several things,” Murthy said. “Number one, we've got to recognize that our technology platforms, whether particularly social media, these have an important role to play.”

Social media platforms have been censoring outright any views that oppose the COVID-19 narrative set by the Biden administration and mainstream media. Twitter recently permanently banned Dr. Robert Malone, who had contributed to the mRNA vaccine technology, after he exposed certain COVID-19 practices on Joe Rogan’s podcast. 

Last year, YouTube boasted that they would be censoring “misinformation”:

“YouTube doesn't allow content that spreads medical misinformation that contradicts local health authorities’ (LHA) or the World Health Organization’s (WHO) medical information about COVID-19,” YouTube’s policy reads.

The video platform has since deleted hundreds of thousands of videos that have questioned the narrative set by authorities, even if that narrative has been fluid and ever-changing.

Just yesterday, YouTube permanently banned popular Fox News Host Dan Bongino for questioning masks. All his videos have been permanently removed.

However, Surgeon General Murthy does not feel that the tech oligarchies are censoring enough.

"These platforms have still not stepped up to do the right thing and do enough, I should say, to reduce the spread of misinformation," Murthy opined.

Justifying the censorship of ideas by labeling them “misinformation” or “disinformation” was the modus operandi of the Soviet Union. The term “disinformation” is said to have been coined by Soviet mass murderer and dictator Joseph Stalin, who eliminated his political enemies by accusing them of spreading disinformation.

This tactic appears to have been adopted by the Biden administration as a whole.

In January, President Joe Biden appealed to the tech oligarchs and the mainstream media to censor speech opposing the COVID-19 narrative.

“I make a special appeal to social media companies and media outlets — please deal with the misinformation and disinformation that’s on your shows,” begged Biden.

Last year, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki boasted that the administration is actively working with Big Tech to censor anything the White House considers “problematic”.

“We’re flagging problematic posts for Facebook,” said Psaki.