Biden thanks hero Coast Guardsman facing termination from Biden’s mandate

Joe Biden Friday personally thanked a Coast Guardsman who saved an 84-year-old disabled woman and her husband from the rage of Hurrican Ian in Florida last week. The Guardsman, who kicked in a wall to save the couple and carried the woman in her wheelchair to a waiting helicopter, stands to lose his job within the next 30-60 days as per Biden’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate. 

Biden issued sweeping vaccine mandates in September 2021 to force all Americans to get the shots while vilifying the unvaccinated, accusing them of being selfish and being responsible for the death and endangerment of Americans. 

“I understand your anger at those who haven’t gotten vaccinated,” Biden said last year in a speech announcing his mandates.  

While the courts restrained Biden from injecting most Americans, he was able to enforce the mandate on federal employees. 

That includes Coast Guard Aviation Survival Technician Second Class Zach Loesch, whom Biden personally called to thank last week for saving people's lives. 

“The President thanked [Loesch and Lieutenant Commander Christopher Cooper] for saving lives and asked for a report on the work that continues to rescue Floridians,” the White House said in a press release. “He also asked if they needed any additional support that he can provide to accelerate successful rescues; they indicated they have gotten what they need to execute their vital mission.” 

The irony is not lost on Loesch. 

“If I had asked any of the people I saved yesterday if they wanted to come with me even though I am unvaccinated, every single one of them would have said ‘yes',” he said, according to Breitbart. 

“It just sucks that he thanked me yet the vaccine mandate is what’s kicking me out,” he said. “I just love my job and I’m really good at it. It sucks. I feel like this is the job that I was born to do.” 

Loesch’s sentiment has been echoed by other public servants who suffer from the whiplash of being praised as heroes and suddenly demonized as public menaces who no longer deserve a job. 

Former New York Fire Department Captain Brendan Fogarty was terminated earlier this year for not getting the COVID-19 injections by February 11th. Fogarty unsuccessfully tried fighting the mandate in court by suing New York City Mayor Eric Adams. 

“You should be ashamed of yourselves. You should be ashamed of yourselves,” Fogarty shouted at a New York City Council hearing last month during public comment. “Eric Adams is going to be on the wrong side of history.”  

As he said his next words a council member tried to silence him.  

“The people who [crafted the mandates] are the same people who thought slavery was okay,” Fogarty went on, referring to Democrats.  

“Ok, thank you very much – “ Councilwoman Gale Brewer quickly interjected, but Fogarty ran over her.  

“The same people who thought segregation in Shea Stadium was okay. You segregated us.”  

“Thank - thank you – thank you very much, sir,” Brewer said in continued attempts to silence the former fire captain, who railed against the city for using his services but not allowing him to be a part of society. 

“I was allowed to work in this city, but I wasn’t allowed to eat in a restaurant in this city!” Fogarty pressed on. “I was allowed to work through the pandemic, but I wasn’t allowed to eat in a restaurant! I could wear the uniform, go to a burning building, but not eat here! What’s wrong with you people? Trust the science, you guys are f*cked up.”