Watch Obama humiliate Biden at White House

Those who have referred to Joe Biden’s administration as Obama 2.0 may have been vindicated yesterday after embarrassing footage from a White House event. 

The event, which featured former President Barack Obama, was held in celebration of the 12th anniversary of Obamacare, or the Affordable Care Act, and to discuss an extension of the act. 

If Biden was cognizant of the event, it was humiliating for the current White House occupant. 

One video showed Obama beginning a speech by referring to Biden as “Vice-President Joe Biden”, which he then said was a “joke”. Biden himself also began his remarks by referring to himself as “Barack Obama’s vice-president", although it is unclear if that was intentional. 

Other footage shows the event participants fawning over Obama and crowding him with attention while Biden shuffles around aimlessly and alone. In another video, Biden follows behind Kamala Harris and tries to get Obama’s attention, but Obama ignores Biden, who is left looking confused. 

Mainly, this was seen by many as “sad” and a bad look for the United States. 

“This is really sad. He looks lost. Our enemies are laughing at the USA. They used to fear us, now they laugh at us.” - Dania Alexandrino, journalist

“I can’t stop watching this… Everyone fan-girling over Obama and Biden doesn’t even get crumbs.” - Amanda House, Breitbart 

“For once, this really makes me feel bad for the guy, as he forlornly gazes at the crowd hanging on Obama’s every word while Biden wanders about aimlessly.” - Alberto Miguel Fernandez, retired U.S. diplomat 

“This is sad. But seriously what is going on? Normally a president is surrounded by flacks and handlers. How do they just leave him alone like this? Something very odd is going on here.” - Harmeet Dhillon, attorney 

“I would not wish this on anyone. Republican or Democrat. This is very sad.” - Kenny Wallace, race car driver 

“PAINFUL: Barack Obama INSULTS Biden to his FACE as audience laughs at Humiliated Joe. After mocking Biden the entire room IGNORES JOE as they fawn over Obama. Biden stands ALONE at White House. In case you were wondering who the REAL President of the United States is. Wow.” - Benny Johnson, podcaster 

“Good lord this is sad…” - Dave Rubin, podcaster 

“No video better sums up the Biden presidency. The man is a puppet and nobody likes him. Not even his own party.” - Mercedes Schlapp, GOP strategist 

It is unclear why Obama would return to the White House to celebrate Obamacare, an initiative widely seen as disastrous. 

In fact, Obama’s main selling point for the Act – which he repeated many times to the American people – was that “if you like your doctor/plan, you can keep your doctor/plan.” This turned out to be so blatantly false that even Left-wing Politico rated it as 2013’s “Lie of the Year". 

But speculation is growing that Obama was really brought in to help Biden with his dismal approval ratings. 

“Biden’s approval ratings are down so he is bringing Obama back like when a bad spinoff brings the main character back as a cameo,” wrote conservative figure Jack Posobiec. 

“Obama staring down the leftist media pleading for them to fix Biden’s low approval ratings,” wrote NewsBusters

“Throwing a Hail Mary. Worst approval ratings in history. Thanks for the inflation. Inviting Obama isn’t going to save you. You are a one termer,” wrote another netizen. 

Obama also tried to help Joe Biden during the 2020 elections, though reluctantly. He held off on endorsing Biden until later in the elections, after snubbing Biden behind closed doors. 

“Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f— things up,” Obama said, according to Politico. He also criticized Biden for not having an “intimate bond” with voters.