Biden predicts cyberattack ‘coming’, calls for ‘new world order’

President Joe Biden seemed to predict an impending Russian cyberattack against the United States on Monday, which he said is “coming”. 

“The more Putin’s back is against the wall, the greater the severity of the tactics he may employ…one of the tools he’s most likely to use in my view, in our view, is cyberattacks,” Biden said. “The magnitude of Russia’s cyber capacity is fairly consequential and it’s coming.” 

In a statement earlier in the day, Biden urged the private sector to begin preparing for an attack, saying that “the Federal Government can’t defend against this threat alone.”  

“Most of America’s critical infrastructure is owned and operated by the private sector and critical infrastructure owners and operators must accelerate efforts to lock their digital doors,” said the statement. 

“If you have not already done so, I urge our private sector partners to harden your cyber defenses immediately by implementing the best practices we have developed together over the last year,” the statement continued. “You have the power, the capacity, and the responsibility to strengthen the cybersecurity and resilience of the critical services and technologies on which Americans rely.” 

Biden then encouraged everyone to “do their part” - a phrase reminiscent of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

“We need everyone to do their part to meet one of the defining threats of our time — your vigilance and urgency today can prevent or mitigate attacks tomorrow.” 

The same day, Biden called for a new world order at the Business Roundtable’s CEO Quarterly Meeting.

“I think this presents us with some significant opportunities to make some real changes. You know, we are at an inflection point, I believe, in the world economy, not just the world economy, in the world, occurs every three or four generations...We’re going, there’s gonna be a new world order out there and we’ve got to lead it and we’ve got to unite the rest of the free world and doing it.” 

Biden’s warning – or prediction – of a massive cyberattack, followed by a new world order, is the heart of the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) globalist agenda. 

The WEF, of which Biden is a member, had eerily predicted the COVID-19 pandemic months before it occurred during an exercise which simulating the pandemic perfectly, save for its origin. 

Last year, the WEF conducted another simulation, this time of a computer virus that could sweep the world wide web, which would then need to be “sterilized” by shutting the internet down and the power grid it controls. 

According to a WEF video, “The only way to stop the exponential propagation of a COVID-like cyber threat is to fully disconnect the millions of vulnerable devices from one another and from the Internet.  All of this in a matter of days.” 

As reported by Frontline News, the WEF then called for international collaboration between all stakeholders, public and private, to institute policies and procedures that would prevent the cyber pandemic from occurring, much like Biden did in his statement yesterday. 

The WEF has been pushing for a “Great Reset”, which is a complete overhaul of the global economy, culture and balance of power. 

In other words, a new world order.