‘Biden promised’: Meghan McCain latest celebrity to question COVID narrative

by Yudi Sherman

In an article for the Daily Mail on Wednesday, Meghan McCain showed signs that she is starting to become disenchanted with the COVID-19 narrative. 

First, McCain revealed that she and her husband recently contracted Omicron despite being fully vaccinated.

“Dr. Fauci told the country months ago that it wasn’t a matter of if, but when everyone would eventually catch the Omicron variant, so I don’t know why I was so surprised that we had finally tested positive,” wrote McCain.

According to the current COVID-19 narrative, the vaccine does not protect against infection and it does not protect against transmission. However, in desperate efforts to defend vaccine efficacy, the media and medical establishment, led by figures such as Dr. Anthony Fauci, have been assuring the public that the vaccine protects against severe symptoms and illness.

But McCain was astonished that this did not seem to be true.

“But my husband and I got very sick — more sick than the ‘mild Omicron’ headlines and Twitter streams suggested. What I experienced wasn’t mild, it wasn’t easy, and I am still fearful of the unknown long-term side effects that I may experience.”

Being “fearful of the unknown long-term side effects” is a sentiment shared by many of those who have refused the COVID-19 vaccine, though that concern is rarely accepted as valid.

Further on in the article, the former The View host railed against Biden, who had based his presidential campaign on the promise that he would “shut down the virus”.

“President Biden promised — verbatim — while he was running for President that ‘I will end this. I will shut down the virus, not the country,'” McCain wrote.

McCain, who is no fan of former President Donald Trump, noted that more Americans died in 2021 under the Biden administration than under Trump’s tenure. In a fiery criticism of Biden, McCain hoped that his “feckless, moronic, isolated Titanic of an administration” pays for its mismanagement of the pandemic.

“Biden may not believe in morning in America, but I sure as hell still do, just not under his failed leadership,” McCain railed.

McCain is hardly the latest celebrity to begin questioning the narrative pushed by the Biden administration and mainstream media.

Bill Maher was recently slammed by ‘The View’ co-host Whoopi Goldberg for saying that COVID-19 is “a giant scandal” and that he’s “over COVID”. Goldberg made it plain that she not only thinks Maher is being irresponsible, but that she plans to wear masks for the rest of her life.

“How dare you be so flippant, man?” fumed Goldberg. “I may never ride a subway again without a mask. I may never go indoors to big crowds and ever feel comfortable without a mask. And that’s up to me to do that.”

In recent weeks, sports star Aaron Rodgers, along with rock legends Eric Clapton and Van Morrison, have come out in full criticism of the COVID-19 narrative and policies.