Biden offers Muslims apology for doubting claims

Joe Biden recently profusely apologized to Muslim leaders in a private meeting for doubting Hamas reports of civilian casualties.

The only reports of casualties in Gaza come from Hamas’ “Health Ministry.” While such reports are readily accepted by the United Nations and other globalist groups, many are skeptical of the data given Hamas’ penchant for propaganda. In addition to false claims by Hamas, videos and photos of dead Gazans have often been found to be fake, and some are recycled by Hamas from previous conflicts. Hamas operatives have also been caught several times staging “Israeli war crimes” and using crisis actors.

On October 25th, Biden publicly expressed his own skepticism of Hamas data.

“I have no notion that the Palestinians are telling the truth about how many people are killed. I’m sure innocents have been killed, and it’s the price of waging a war,” he said. “But I have no confidence in the number that the Palestinians are using.”

Biden was echoed the next day by National Security Council spokesman John Kirby. "We can't take anything coming out of Hamas, including the so-called Ministry of Health, at face value," Kirby told reporters.

Biden’s comment enraged Muslims, and a meeting was called at the White House the next day. Five “livid” Muslim leaders, including former Democratic Party Chairman and Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison, met with Biden to demand he retract his statement. One of the five present claimed 100 members of her family were killed in Gaza, according to the Washington Post.

Biden apologized; “I'm sorry. I'm disappointed in myself. I will do better.” The meeting, which was set to run 30 minutes, lasted more than an hour.

Muslims outraged at Biden’s suspicion of Hamas cited Hamas’ videos as proof of the veracity of the casualty reports.

“Journalists have confirmed the high number of casualties, and countless videos coming out of Gaza every day show mangled bodies of Palestinian women and children and entire city blocks levelled to the ground,” said Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) Director Nihad Awad. “President Biden should watch some of these videos and ask himself if the crushed children being dragged out of the ruins of their family homes are a fabrication or an acceptable price of war. They are neither.”

“Their numbers generally are consistent with what we’re seeing on the ground in recent days. There have been hundreds of airstrikes per day in one of the most densely populated areas of the world,” said Human Rights Watch Israel and Palestine Director Omar Shakir, despite Gaza’s cities failing to make the list of the world’s top 50 most densely populated cities.

In another White House meeting, Muslims threatened officials that they would pull the Muslim vote in 2024. Since they will also not be voting for President Donald Trump, Muslims told White House aides that they would sit the race out.

Biden officials have since spent several days trying to do damage control and have been hosting several meetings with Muslim representatives.