Biden Justice Department indicts witness against Biden family corruption

The Justice Department Monday filed eight federal indictments against Dr. Gal Luft, a witness who was about to testify before Congress to Joe Biden’s corruption.

Luft, a professor and ex-Israeli army officer, had provided evidence about the Biden family’s dealings with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to the Justice Department in March 2019. The DOJ sat on the evidence and took no action. Luft was also prepared to testify this year before the House Judiciary Committee amid a probe into Hunter Biden’s CCP ties, but he was suddenly arrested in Cyprus this February for allegedly lying to the FBI and failing to register as a foreign agent. Luft fled extradition while out on bail and is currently in hiding.

This week, federal prosecutors charged Luft in the Southern District of New York with violating the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), arms trafficking, Iranian sanctions violations and lying to federal agents. If convicted, he faces up to 100 years in prison, according to the Daily Wire.

In a 14-minute video published by the New York Post last week, Luft denied all the charges and said his arrest in Cyprus was to stop him testifying against the Biden family. Calling himself “patient zero of the Biden family investigation”, Luft said he has no political agenda.

"Let me be clear: I am not a Republican or a Democrat. I have no political motive or agenda. I did it out of deep concern that if the Bidens were to come to power, the country would be facing the same traumatic Russia collusion scandal — only this time, it would be China. Sadly, because of the DOJ’s cover-up, this is exactly what happened," Luft said.

“I warned the government about potential risk to the integrity of the 2020 elections, he added. “Ask yourself, who is the real criminal in this story?” he said.

The information Luft gave authorities in 2019, which was later corroborated through subpoenaed financial records, detailed how the Biden family was paid over a million dollars from a Chinese firm affiliated with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) less than two months after then-Vice President Joe Biden left office. 

In 2017, Shanghai-based State Energy HK Limited wired $3 million to a company belonging to Rob Walker, a Biden family associate. Robinson Walker, LLC, which only held a balance of $159,000 at the time of the transfer, then wired $1,065,000 to the European Energy and Infrastructure Group (EEIG) in Abu Dhabi, a company affiliated with Hunter Biden associate James Gilliar.

Within a week, Hunter Biden, Hallie Biden, James Biden and an unidentified “Biden” began receiving incremental payments over a three-month period, totaling around $1,065,000 — the amount wired from State Energy HK Limited.

State Energy HK is affiliated with the CCP–owned energy company CEFC China Energy which paid Hunter and James Biden about $4.8 million between 2017 and 2018.

According to Luft, Hunter Biden had a mole within the FBI named “One Eye” who tipped off his CEFC associates when they were under investigation.

Luft added in his video that he “may have to live on the run for the rest of my life. . . .”

According to a Harvard-Harris survey of 2,004 voters in May, 53% of Americans believe Joe Biden was involved in his son’s illegal influence peddling and 55% also believe the FBI and Justice Department are not really investigating the matter.

The indictment does nothing to dispel the popular belief that America’s law enforcement agencies have become Joe Biden’s personal junta.

Rasmussen report last year revealed that 53% of American voters agree with former Trump advisor Roger Stone that “a group of politicized thugs at the top of the FBI who are using the FBI . . . as Joe Biden‘s personal Gestapo.” Seventy-six percent of Republicans agree the FBI is “Joe Biden’s personal Gestapo”, along with 43% of Democrats. Overall, 54% of Whites, 55% of Black voters and 50% of other minorities at least “somewhat agree” with the quote.