Biden declares gun violence ‘public health epidemic’ after mass shooting

Joe Biden Sunday declared gun violence a “public health epidemic” following a mass shooting at a Colorado nightclub in which five people were murdered and 25 injured. 

In a two-part tweet, Biden also tried to use the tragedy to push his social agenda. 

“Jill and I are praying for the families of the five people killed in Colorado Springs, and for those injured in this senseless attack. 

“While no motive in this attack is yet clear, we know that gun violence has a particular impact on LGBTQI+ communities across our nation.” 

“We must address the public health epidemic of gun violence in all forms,” Biden continued. “I signed the most significant gun safety law in nearly three decades, but we must do more. 

“And we must drive out the inequities that contribute to violence against LGBTQI+ people. We cannot tolerate hate.” 

Biden, seemingly capitalizing on the COVID-19 public health epidemic which successfully induced widespread obedience, has often tried to declare public health emergencies when his agenda is challenged. 

In July, Biden considered declaring abortion access a public health emergency to free up federal resources for feticide after a leaked draft of a Supreme Court opinion suggested overturning Roe v. Wade. 

Climate change is also considered a threat to public health by the Biden administration. 

“The public health impacts from our changing climate are already being felt, and they're undeniable,” National Climate Advisor Gina McCarthy said in a June press conference. “The argument is no longer whether climate change exists, it’s what we’re going to do about it.” 

“Climate change presents serious and urgent threats to public health, and our response has to match those threats,” chimed in Assistant Secretary for Health Rachel Levine. “We’re already seeing the damage done by extreme heat, wildfires, severe storms, and increasing chronic disease burdens, all associated with climate change. It’s exciting to see so many health care organizations come together to reduce their emissions and protect human health from climate change. Today’s announcement is just the beginning of a longer ongoing effort with partners from across the industry, which is exactly the kind of big response we need as a country.” 

In August, Biden also declared monkeypox a public health emergency, echoing the World Health Organization.