Biden creates ‘Ministry of Truth’ headed by free speech 'relativist'

The Biden administration is creating a “disinformation governance board”, which will be under the Department of Homeland Security. The purpose of the board will be to counter what the administration considers to be false information that threatens national security. 

According to a Politico report, the board will “coordinate countering misinformation related to homeland security, focused specifically on irregular migration and Russia.” 

However, some are already questioning the decision, which comes just days after Elon Musk bought Twitter. One of the main objections to the board is that the woman tapped to run the operation told NPR last week that the thought of free speech platforms makes her “shudder”. 

“And I shudder to think about if free speech absolutists,” she said, referring to Musk, “were taking over more platforms, what that would look like for the marginalized communities all around the world...” 

Many are also highlighting the fact that the woman appointed to combat Russian disinformation has famously been unable to spot it. 

Nina Jankowicz was among those who insisted that the New York Post’s story about Hunter Biden’s “laptop from hell” - which exposed corruption within the Biden family – was Russian disinformation. But even the mainstream media have since admitted that the laptop and its contents were genuine, with Hunter Biden now the subject of a federal investigation. 

“Back on the laptop from hell, apparently-” Jankowicz wrote in October 2020. “Biden notes 50 former natsec officials and 5 former CIA heads that the laptop is a Russian influence op. Trump says ‘Russia, Russia, Russia.’” 

In an interview with NPR, the Russia disinformation expert also decried “the disinformation narrative surrounding President Biden's son Hunter and his work in Ukraine on the board of a Ukrainian energy company.” 

Jankowicz has also been known to spread disinformation of her own, writing in 2020 that Trump supporters would try to intimidate and harass voters at the polls. She especially accused Trump of inciting his supporters to violence at the polls by the way he said he would urge them to remain calm. 

“What could go wrong?” tweeted political commentator Jack Posobiec.