Biden appoints unstable climate utopian for top intelligence role

Joe Biden last month appointed Professor Kim Cobb — an unstable climate catastrophist who reported having climate change-induced mental crises — to a seat on the President’s Intelligence Advisory Board (PIAB).

The PIAB, whose work largely remains secret, answers only to the president. The White House describes the board as an independent element which “exists exclusively to assist the President by providing the President with an independent source of advice on the effectiveness with which the Intelligence Community is meeting the nation’s intelligence needs, and the vigor and insight with which the community plans for the future. The Board has access to all information needed to perform its functions and has direct access to the President.”

The PIAB’s ten members are given high classifications and have access to highly classified national security information.

One of those members is newly appointed Brown University Professor of Environment and Society and Professor of Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences Kim Cobb.

Cobb has devoted her life to climate hysteria and developed a visceral obsession with the weather. When Donald Trump was elected president in 2016, Cobb suffered an “acute mental health crisis” because she realized the federal government would no longer be devoting funds and resources towards the climate change apocalypse. She descended into a depression so severe that the mother of four was unable to get out of bed. She would break out in spontaneous sobs.

“I could not see a way forward,” she said, according to Mother Jones. “My most resounding thought was, how could my country do this? I had to face the fact that there was a veritable tidal wave of people who don’t care about climate change and who put personal interest above the body of scientific information that I had contributed to.” Her depression lasted for weeks. “I didn’t recognize myself,” she added.

Another member Biden appointed to the board last month is Margaret Hamburg, a former FDA commissioner who once served under Dr. Anthony Fauci at the National Institutes of Health.

Hamburg is affiliated with some of the world’s most influential globalist organizations, including the World Economic Forum. She has sat on the board of the Rockefeller Foundation and remains a member of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s Global Health Scientific Advisory Committee. She chaired the World Health Organization’s Expert Group on Human Genome Editing and Global Governance.

Hamburg also serves on the Council of Foreign Relations’ Board of Directors alongside BlackRock CEO Larry Fink, and Alphabet and Google Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Ruth Porat.

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), which describes itself as a “nonpartisan membership organization, think tank, and publisher” has repeatedly warned against the “violent threat” of the “Far-Right” to the United States. The elite organization has also warned that unvaccinated police officers “could become America’s own insurgents.”

The CFR also offers courses. One course in global governance advocates for a “Liberal World Order” in which the world is run under the auspices of the UN Security Council, the International Monetary Fund, the World Health Organization, the World Trade Organization and the World Bank.