Biden administration promises ‘climate reparations’ after Soros-funded report

Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry last week announced the United States will pay millions of dollars in climate reparations to a “loss and damage fund.” The fund will be distributed among poorer nations who have supposedly been impacted by “climate change” caused by wealthier nations like the US.

Kerry, who made the announcement at the Bloomberg New Economy Forum in Singapore, did not go into specifics, but the policy was seen as an abrupt shift from July when Kerry told Congress that “under no circumstances” would the US pay climate reparations to a loss and damage fund.

Four days before Kerry’s sudden policy change, a report was published by globalist dark money groups calling for the US to pay over $100 billion in climate reparations to a fund for poorer countries. According to climate calculations shown in the report, the US and the UK should “introduce a specific military-focused climate reparations approach alongside other leading military powers.”

The report was published by the Climate and Community Project (CCP) and Common Wealth, two think tanks funded by billionaire George Soros’ Open Society Foundations. On its website, the Climate and Community Project (CCP) notes it is sponsored by the Tides Center, an organization that funnels dark money given to its sister entity, the Tides Foundation. The Tides Center functions as an incubator for other Left-wing nonprofits such as Black Lives Matter, helping them to fundraise, find office space, complete payroll, apply for grants, and other tasks.

The Tides Center in turn is sponsored by a long list of donors which include the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, George Soros’ Open Society Foundations, Planned Parenthood Federation of America, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the David Rockefeller Fund, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the Rockefeller Foundation, Google founder Sergey Brin’s Sergey Brin Family Foundation, and many others.

Internal emails leaked last year revealed that Kerry is known to craft policies around recommendations made by environmental groups and globalist think tanks.

For example, Kerry sought input from organizations such as the United Nations Foundation and the Sierra Club as to whether the US should support statements from other G7 leaders calling to phase out gas-powered vehicles and ban “fossil fuel financing”. Kerry also discussed infrastructure initiatives with the groups. 

Other organizations with whom Kerry consulted include Friends of the Earth, Oxfam, Oil Change International, the Climate Reality Project, World Resources Institute, the Bank Information Center, RMI, and the Center for International Environmental Law. 

Notably missing from the emails were any discussions with fossil fuel companies to hear their positions on these subjects along with any possible consequences which may arise from such policies. 

Kerry’s about-face following the CCP report, along with his known penchant for basing policies on recommendations by globalist groups, raises concerns that other policy changes might be brewing.

In the report, the Soros-backed groups also called on the US to shut down the military for the climate.

“Not Just Less Pollution — Less Military,” read a policy recommendation in the report. “Scaling back military operations and hardware acquisition is essential to emissions mitigation.” The groups also urge the military to start closing bases, which are “unnecessary in a foreign policy agenda that prioritises peace and cooperation.”

“There must be a reduction in the US and UK military’s sprawling infrastructural footprint. Base closure processes should include environmental assessments and financing for environmental remediation.”