Biden administration joins globalist billionaires to fund AI-powered censorship

The Biden administration joined globalist billionaires George Soros, Pierre Omidyar, and Bill Gates to fund UK organizations that use artificial intelligence to root out “disinformation,” says a new report.

In September 2021 the State Department’s Global Engagement Center co-hosted the US-Paris Tech Challenge, a competitive event which aimed to “advance the development of promising and innovative technologies against disinformation and propaganda” in Europe and the U.K. The event was conducted in collaboration with the Atlantic Council, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

The winners of the competition included UK-based think tank Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD) and its partner, CASM Technology. 

ISD is funded by George Soros’ Open Society Foundations, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Omidyar Group and others. It also receives funding from governmental organizations in several countries, including the US State Department and Department of Homeland Security. It is also funded by tech giants such as Google, Facebook, YouTube, Microsoft and others.

ISD and CASM conduct research using CASM’s machine-learning technology which scours the internet for challenges to globalist narratives such as the Russo-Ukraine war, the COVID-19 vaccines, election interference and climate change alarmism. Throughout 2020, CASM boasts, it worked with ISD to conduct research supported by the Gates Foundation to root out “anti-vaccine disinformation”. 

The two globalist organizations also conduct “fact-checks” on unapproved statements which they then pass on to journalists to use for their own propaganda purposes. There does not appear to be any oversight ensuring that ISD/CASM are not only fishing from Left-leaning pools.

CASM uses its AI technology to map out dissenting users and posts across social media and create maps of their networks. The technology also anticipates what challenges will come from where and to which narrative.

ISD then reports this information to authorities in any one of the ten countries it works with, as well as various media outlets.

According to the Daily Caller, the State Department confirmed it funded a project by ISD to study “Russian disinformation tactics” on Wikipedia.

Frontline News learned in December that the Biden administration has commissioned a group of journalists called Hacks/Hackers to organize a group of Wikipedia censors called “Research Coordinators” for a project called NewsQ. These censors will list which sources of vaccine information are “credible sources” and which are “unreliable”. Job applicants need not have a medical background or expertise in a medical field to become a Research Coordinator. This puts Wikipedia indirectly under the Biden administration’s control.

“That list is already taking shape on Wikipedia, with liberal outlets such as The New York Times, Washington Post, Guardian, and The Atlantic all marked ‘reliable,’” reports The Daily Wire. “Conservative sites, including The Daily Wire, Daily Mail, Epoch Times, and The Federalist, are all classified as either ‘unreliable’ or ‘conspiracy'.” 

Hacks/Hackers was also commissioned to create software that will turn online users into programmed spokesmen for the federal government’s agenda, with an emphasis on vaccine propaganda. 

Federal agency National Science Foundation (NSF) has paid Hacks/Hackers $5 million to create the Analysis and Response Toolkit for Trust (ARTT), which will provide internet users with government-approved templated responses to those who express opinions unapproved by the federal government.