Biden administration joins George Soros in financing violent uprising in Israel

The Biden administration has joined globalist billionaire and Antifa financier George Soros in funding a violent uprising by Israel’s Left to stop a new judicial reform bill.

The bill, which passed its first reading in Israel’s Knesset (Parliament) last month, would curtail the unchecked power of Israel’s Supreme Court, whose Left-wing judges have served as an unbridled authority for the Left.

Currently, Israel’s high court can unilaterally overrule a law passed by the Knesset, but the new legislation would allow a Knesset supermajority or a nationwide referendum to block such a ruling.

For example, if the government were to pass a law in the Knesset, but the Supreme Court rules that it violates the Basic Law (Israel’s weak equivalent of a constitution) the Knesset could overrule that decision if two-thirds of the Knesset members vote to overturn the ruling. This would ensure that an overturn has significant support in the Knesset and not only in the government. In the United States, we would call this “bipartisan support”. Alternatively, a nationwide binding referendum of the voting population could be held to overrule the court.  

Faced with the loss of its primary influence, Israel’s Left has organized mass protests across the country, stretching from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem to Haifa and other major cities, with many demonstrators taking off work and pulling their children out of school to join what have sometimes turned into violent demonstrations. During one protest, demonstrators accosted an individual in a car who was reportedly a doctor on the way to tend to a medical emergency. 

Other footage of protests features individuals with severe injuries and show clashes with law enforcement.

The protests, which are entering their tenth week, are joined by Left-wing politicians who are calling for civil war and a violent coup d’état in the name of democracy. 

In an interview last month, former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said, “We now must get to the next stage, the stage of war, and war is not waged through speeches. War is waged in a face-to-face battle, head-to-head and hand-to-hand, and that is bound to happen here. While it’s great to see 100,000 people turn out to protest, that’s not what will clinch the real fight. The real fight will break through these fences and spill over into a real war.”

Ex-Pilot Lt. Col. Ze’ev Raz publicly called for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s assassination if the judicial reform bill goes through. “If the prime minister assumes dictatorial powers, he has to die, plain and simple, along with his ministers and followers,” he said.

Commercial lawyer David Hodak, who received the Medal of Courage for his valor during the 1973 Yom Kippur war, told attendees at an Israeli Bar Association conference last month that he would take up arms against the government.

“I decided that I won’t live a single day in a dictatorship,” he said. “And if it becomes necessary to go to war over that, I’ll go to war. People are prepared to take up arms . . . And I’m telling you: If it comes to that, I’ll do it. . . . There might be a civil war here, unfortunately.” In a later interview with Channel 13, he added, “I will do anything necessary to prevent a dictatorship. . . . I hope the protest proves effective. If it doesn’t, we’ll proceed to engage in nonviolent civil disobedience. If that doesn’t succeed, we’ll go for violent civil disobedience.”

The protests are primarily organized and sponsored by the Movement for Quality Government (MQG), an Israeli NGO which aims to remove Jewish nationalism from Israeli schools and replace it with secular post-Zionist globalism, reports award-winning columnist Caroline Glick. For this, MQG has so far received $40,000 in funding from the US State Department.

MQG has also previously accepted funding from New Israel Fund, a large NGO funded by George Soros’ Open Society Foundations. New Israel Fund is known for its work in protecting Muslims following attacks on Jews. In most cases, the State of Israel’s go-to response to an Islamic attack is to demolish the murderer’s home, which critics point out has done nothing to deter attacks, particularly since murderers and their families are paid handsomely by the Palestinian Authority. However, even this is considered too severe a punishment by New Israel Fund, which has successfully petitioned the Supreme Court to stay the destruction of attackers’ homes.

New Israel Fund is also joining MQG in funding the militant protests against judicial reform. In January it boasted that it was financing the protests and would continue to do so. “[S]upport from NIF and its activists has enabled the demonstration to spread throughout the country, including to the Negev. The demonstrations are set to continue with growing support for the foreseeable future,” says New Israel Fund on its website.

US Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) slammed the Biden administration for funding the MQG.

“The State Department doesn’t even deny it’s funneling money to these left-wing activities, by the way,” wrote Sen. Cotton on his website. “Which is troubling, because it’s a clear violation of the usual State Department policy against funding foreign partisan organizations. Not only is this U.S.-funded organization subverting a foreign government, it’s subverting the government of one of our closest allies.”