Biden administration concerned Ukraine war causing ‘climate change’

U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry Monday expressed concern that the Russia-Ukraine war is causing “climate change”.

Kerry made the remarks while in England this week for a meeting between Joe Biden and King Charles to discuss “clean energy strategies”. The monarch is an avowed climate messianist who has helped push the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset agenda.

In an interview with MSNBC Monday, Kerry lamented that while “lots of parts of the world are exacerbating the problem right now”, the war in Ukraine in particular is ruining the weather with bombs.

“But when you have bombs going off, and you have damage to septic tanks or to power centers, etc., you have an enormous release of greenhouse gas, of methane, you know, all of the family of greenhouse gasses,” he continued. “And the result is it’s adding to the problem.”

Nevertheless, the climate commissar said that despite its harmful effect on the weather, the war must continue to be fought.

“I’m not, you know, believe me, that’s ehhhh, the fight in Ukraine is a fight that we have to make, that the world has to make,” he said. “The values at stake are enormously important to all of us. So I’m not suggesting by any fashion, that, that this is not a fight we shouldn’t be involved in. But I am saying that there are ancillary impacts as a result of it.”

The statement is a change from earlier remarks Kerry made last year when he suggested that global warming is a greater threat than war, expressing concern that the conflict in Ukraine will distract the public from “climate change”.

“[The war] could have a profound negative impact on the climate, obviously,” he said. “You have a war and obviously you’re going to have massive emissions consequences to the war." 

“But equally importantly, you’re going to lose people’s focus, you’re going to lose certainly big country attention because they will be diverted and I think it could have a damaging impact,” Kerry continued. “So, you know, I think hopefully President Putin would realize that in the northern part of his country, they used to live on 66 percent of the nation that was over frozen land,” he added.