Biden admin shuns minorities with COVID testing program

The Biden administration is alienating minorities with a COVID-19 testing program that disproportionately impacts certain ethnic communities.

The White House recently rolled out an initiative that provides one free at-home COVID testing kit to each member of a family, up to four members. Anyone wanting a free test kit can simply visit and order up to four kits for the household. The kits are then shipped via the United States Postal Service (USPS), free of charge.

If someone already received a free test kit and tries to order another one to that address, the site’s online system will prevent them from doing so.

Naturally, this program is prohibitive to households with five members or more, which includes about one-third of Hispanic American households, a quarter of Black American households, and a quarter of Asian American households. Only an estimated 17% of White American households have at least 5 residents. Overall, an estimated 22% of American households have at least five residents, most of whom are minorities.

Whether the Biden administration instituted this program knowing it would exclude many minorities or whether it was just out of negligence is unclear. 

This isn’t the first time exclusionary COVID initiatives have been rolled out.

America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS), a non-profit organization of medical professionals, is currently suing former New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio for racist COVID-19 mandates. As mayor of New York City, de Blasio signed a series of executive orders instituting the “Key to NYC” campaign, which mandated COVID-19 vaccines. The mandate prohibited anyone above the age of 5 years old from entering many public venues.

Frontline News reported: The City of New York’s own study from May 2021 which was used to justify these draconian orders show that Blacks are disproportionately affected by these mandates. According to the study, 56% of Blacks harbored concerns that they did not have enough information about the vaccine, as opposed to 32% of Whites. In addition, 35% of Blacks were “very concerned about missing work due to vaccine side effects”, as opposed to just 19% of Whites.

These data suggest that the demographic most likely to be adversely impacted by the vaccination mandates and barred from basic venues would be Blacks. While Bill de Blasio was aware of these numbers, he nevertheless forged ahead with EEO #225 at great detriment to the Black population.