Biden admin pays for software to turn users into government mouthpieces

The Biden administration has commissioned a group of journalists called Hacks/Hackers to create software that will turn online users into programmed spokespeople for the federal government’s agenda, with an emphasis on vaccine propaganda. 

Federal agency National Science Foundation (NSF) has paid Hacks/Hackers $5 million to create the Analysis and Response Toolkit for Trust (ARTT), which will encourage users to confront others on social media who express opinions unapproved by the federal government.  

When a user wants to know if a post is “misinformation,” they simply post the link or the text itself into the software, which will then tell the user how “harmful” the post is. Using the example of vaccines, a video explaining how ARTT works shows a sample tweet urging concern “about what they’re putting in our kids’ bodies with the vaccine,” and claims that Bill Gates does not vaccinate his own children. 

The video shows that the tweet was instantly rated as 3.4 out of 5 and marked “potentially harmful”, predictably dismissing it as a “conspiracy theory”. The “psychological manipulation tactics” listed are “Conspiratorial Thinking” and “Evoking Emotion.” 

ARTT then generates automated template responses which a user can instantly post in reply to the “misinformation,” including links to government-approved vaccine messages. 

As pointed out by The Daily Wire, ARTT admits to using psychological techniques to change people’s views but when the speech is unapproved, ARTT calls it “psychological manipulation tactics.” 

While social media companies are doing their part to censor alternative sources of information, ARTT says that people’s opinions are most easily changed when challenged by a peer. 

“That’s why we want to focus on these peer connections when it comes to having these conversations online. . . . Instead of coming to you from the platform, it’s actually coming to you from a friend,” the video said. 

Hacks/Hackers is also being commissioned to organize a group of Wikipedia censors called “Research Coordinators” for a project called NewsQ. These censors will list which sources of vaccine information are “credible sources” and which are “unreliable”. Job applicants need not have a medical background or expertise in a medical field to become a Research Coordinator. 

“That list is already taking shape on Wikipedia, with liberal outlets such as The New York Times, Washington Post, Guardian, and The Atlantic all marked ‘reliable,’” reports The Daily Wire. “Conservative sites, including The Daily Wire, Daily Mail, Epoch Times, and The Federalist, are all classified as either ‘unreliable’ or ‘conspiracy'.” 

In September, the NSF funded a 22-page study which found that physics is racist.