Beverly Hills, LA County supervisor refuses to enforce LA mask mandate

The City of Beverly Hills announced Monday it will not enforce Los Angeles County’s mask mandate, which is likely to be reinstated Friday by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (LACDPH). 

“A potential new health order by LA County that could require indoor masking will not be enforced by City of Beverly Hills staff, the Beverly Hills City Council unanimously directed on Monday night,” the city said in a statement

“The City of Beverly Hills would be included in any new health order issued, but may or may not choose to utilize staff resources to enforce it,” it added. 

“I feel it is our job to lead and I support the power of choice,” said Mayor Lili Bosse.  “Our job is to be proactive and public about what we believe.  This is a united City Council and community that cares about health.  We are not where we were in 2020, and now we need to move forward as a community and be part of the solution.” 

Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors Chairwoman Kathryn Barger also came out against the LACDPH, citing a lack of scientific support. 

“I have not seen any empirical data that conclusively shows that masking mandates make a difference in decreasing or stopping COVID-19 transmission rates,” Barger said in a letter to LA County’s Fifth District constituents, adding, “I believe masking mandates are polarizing and are unenforceable.” 

“We are learning to live through its countless mutations, spikes in infections, and corresponding strains on our hospitals and workforce,” she added. “In order to maintain consistency and public trust, I remain committed to advocating for our county to remain aligned with the state’s COVID-19 public health policies.”   

Of course, Barger did state she was staunchly in favor of vaccinations, citing a now-debunked CDC study from August 2021 claiming that the unvaccinated are more likely to be infected and hospitalized than those injected with the COVID-19 shots. 

Attorney Julie Hamill announced Wednesday she has filed a petition for writ of mandate and complaint against LACDPH Director Barbara Ferrer and Health Officer Muntu Davis to block the mask mandate. 

“We cannot live like this anymore,” tweeted Hamill. “If she proceeds with the new mask mandate on Friday, we will immediately seek a [temporary restraining order].” 

As reported by America's Frontline News this week, LACDPH Director Ferrer has come under fire for relying on CDC recommendations which are based on Ferrer's own daughter's reports, also authored by Ferrer's own employees, creating a “feedback loop” of questionable science.