Back to Center: 'I want to run away!'

The purpose of the “Back to Center” advice column is to provide perspectives for personal realignment and empowered living in these tyrannical times. Sarah encourages you to reach out to her with requests for advice about self-development and emotional and mental well-being. Please send your questions to Anonymous and secure. Looking forward to hearing from you!

For all other inquiries, please direct your questions to

I want to tell you I really appreciate what you all are doing there at Frontline News. So much of mainstream media these days is SO biased and agenda-driven. I don't get that feeling when I come to your site. But — and here's my problem — every time I read one of your articles, I get an overwhelming feeling of wanting to “unsee” what I've read. I guess it's about me gradually coming to realize that so many things are not as they once seemed in so many areas of life — not just with COVID, which many of us have come to see as having been intentionally engineered — but, lots of things relating to politics, society, health, and so on. The more I look, the more I find out I had very little awareness of the real reality. (I know — it's all so “Matrix,” right?) I want to keep reading your site and learning, but at the same time I want to run away! Does that make any sense?

Yes, it makes complete sense! I really hear you. I have also been on this journey for the past several years — that of peeling back the layers of the “reality” I knew before, and discovering that systems and ideas that seemed normal and healthy to me before have actually been going wrong for a long time. 

It is overwhelming. It's okay to feel that way. 

I know what you mean about wanting to run away or hide when you're confronted with uncomfortable truths. Let's try to understand a bit more about what's going on for you there. What is that feeling of wanting to “unsee” really about for you? Is it resistance to changing the way you understand how the world works? Is it about the personal responsibility that comes with knowledge? Is it fear over coming to understand that there's more going on below the surface than you might have realized before? Is it confusion over what's real and what isn't? Or is it something else?

The next time you feel that feeling, I encourage you to dig into it and try to understand the source. You can do this through writing, in conversation with someone you trust, or whatever helps you see things more clearly. Once you have a better sense of what's going on inside, ask yourself, “How do I want to react to what I'm learning?” and “What do I need in order to be able to do that?" For example, you might want to have a more adaptable mindset as you learn new things, feel more brave, make certain changes in your life based on new understandings, and so on. How could you go about transforming that feeling of wanting to run and hide into something empowering? 

I want to take a moment here to acknowledge you and the hugeness of what you're doing. You are daring to search for truth, and even though it scares you, you're not actually running away. So many people are unable or unwilling to face the prospect of transforming their beliefs and perspectives. They would rather stay comfortably oblivious. But not you! 

Choosing to face and stand in the truth can be incredibly uncomfortable, but with discomfort comes an enormous opportunity for growth. Getting uncomfortable is really the only way to grow. How do you want to expand as a person as you step into these new discoveries about life as you now know it? 

You are not alone, my friend, and you are amazing for looking at things many people do not yet have the courage to face. Ultimately, we always win when we choose the truth. Journey on, and stay strong!


Previous columns:

Sarah encourages you to reach out to her with requests for advice! Please send your questions to  Anonymous and secure.

Sarah Perron is a Certified Transformational Life Coach. Her passion is to help people create a powerful vision for their lives, identify and eliminate anything that holds them back, and step into their own unique greatness and mission in the world. She believes deeply in the power of coaching to bring fresh perspectives, ideas, and motivation to anyone who wants to thrive in life. Sarah works with clients one-on-one and in group coaching programs and presents exciting workshops on self-development topics. You can follow her on her YouTube channel Find Your Fire.

You are invited to book a complimentary coaching call with Sarah! Please visit to choose a time that's convenient for you. She looks forward to meeting you!