Baby rescued from Fauci’s 'medicine' just in time

Frontline News recently reported on the many protocol violations and personal favors involved in obtaining FDA approval to treat AIDS with the deadly chemotherapy AZT despite side effects worse than anything HIV could cause. The people to whom this drug was prescribed, and their families, were not made aware of any of this controversy.

Informed consent?

Had FDA officials intended to facilitate the informed consent of AIDS patients being prescribed AZT, they might have started with full disclosure of the toxic and deadly effects of AZT on trial recipients or, at a minimum, they could have allowed the patients to receive AZT with the same warning with which researchers receive it:

A skull-and-crossbones symbol appears on a background of bright orange, signifying an unusual chemical hazard. The label appears on bottles containing as little as 25 milligrams of AZT, a small fraction (1/20 to 1/50) of a patient's daily prescribed dose. The adjoining warning on the label reveals secrets not conveyed to the unwitting patient [emphases added; p. 324]:

Instead, AIDS patients received a pleasant looking blue and white capsule.


The expected catastrophe from unnecessarily causing the collateral damage of millions of healthy blood and other cells being killed in an attempt to destroy a harmless, dormant HIV virus, came soon after AZT’s approval.

The rate of lymphoma, a deadly cancer of white blood cells, jumped from 3% of all AIDS patients to 50% percent after 3 years of treatment with AZT. 

Even those who did not develop cancer suffered unbearable pain from a combination of nausea, vomiting, and anemia. Often unwilling to confront their doctors about AZT’s toxicity, they simply threw the innocent looking white capsules to the garbage, having the effect of making the drug appear less toxic to the doctors who prescribed it. 

Expanding the market

The next logical step for the executives at Burroughs Wellcome was to expand the market for AZT to include non-AIDS patients. A mere positive HIV PCR test would be enough to prescribe the incredibly toxic chemotherapy to completely healthy adults, children and even babies as a prophylaxis.

Coming clean

The lead researcher on the trials to approve this prophylactic use, Paul Volberding, succeeded. But just five years later, after continuing to follow up on the originally asymptomatic people enrolled in his study, he abruptly made an about-face, announcing in the New England Journal of Medicine in 1995 that “[AZT] does not significantly prolong either AIDS-free or overall survival." [emphasis added; p. 329]. This after hundreds of thousands of healthy people had taken AZT for five years.

AZT causes … AIDS

In a letter to Nature one frontline doctor explained that AZT was far worse than just being unhelpful. 

As a hospital doctor I come face to face every day with the disaster that [NIH official] Gallo and his colleagues have brought about. In the case of each patient with … infections, I am confronted with the thought that if these patients were HIV positive, they would, as things currently stand, have to undergo anti-viral therapy [like AZT]

The substances available are pure chemotherapeutic agents, which means that in treating them I bring about the very illness I seek to bring under control. In effect, this means leading the patients to their deaths. As a result of the AIDS-virus hypothesis, things have now reached the stage where treatment of the disease itself gives rise to the bleak prognosis for the disease - Claus Koehnlein, M.D. [p. 329].

Even Time Magazine admitted, in 2017, that AZT was found to causedamage to the immune system” in its very first human trials. [Emphasis added].

Fauci sticks to AZT

One researcher who never came clean though is Fauci, who oversaw the protocol for the AZT experiments. Addressing him at a meeting of Project Inform, activists from ACT UP San Francisco shouted, “Tony Fauci, you killed our friends [with AZT]! This is where the murder ends!” [p. 333].

Not too late save the patients

Fortunately, many frontline doctors saw what was happening to their patients on AZT and broke from the official treatment protocol. Some even conducted studies showing that discontinuing AZT use actually reverses massive blood cell loss, muscle wasting and the very hallmark of AIDS, immunosuppression!

Baby Lindsey

Lindsey Nagel was a very healthy and happy baby girl with no infections or anything else remarkable, other than a positive HIV test in a routine medical check. To ward off the AIDS that was presumed to be on its way, her doctor prescribed a regimen of AZT 4 times a day as a prophylactic, warning her parents to look out for side effects such as “bone marrow suppression with anemia, nausea and vomiting and skin rash.” This was not a complete list.

Children most at risk of deadly effects of the “medicine”

Children unfortunately suffer more damage to their bodies, than adults, from the chemotherapy named AZT because children's tissues and organs are growing and areas of growth (cell division) are where AZT attacks.

AZT kills dividing cells anywhere in the body-causing ulcerations and hemorrhaging; damage to hair follicles and skin; killing mitochondria, the energy cells of the brain; wasting away of muscles; and the destruction of the immune system and other blood cells. Children are affected more severely, because many more of their cells are growing than in adults. [Emphases added, p. 302].


Lindsey began losing her appetite and dropped off the growth charts by her first birthday. Things got progressively worse until her parents,

. . . woke up one night to the tormented screams of their daughter. Racing into her room, they found her sitting up and tearfully clutching her legs. The muscle pains were unbearable. Leg massages, Tylenol - they used anything that would allow Lindsey to sleep again. The same thing happened the next evening. And the next one. Night after night, the pain returned with ruthless consistency to deprive the entire family of sleep for a whole month. 

Researching parents

The Nagels recognized precisely what was happening to their daughter: Based on their own study, they had already learned that AZT produces muscle wasting as one of its "side effects." [Emphasis added; p. 303].

Even still, her careful, researching parents feared going against their doctor, until they felt supported scientifically.

By chance they stumbled across an article discussing Peter Duesberg's dissent against AZT treatment for AIDS. Upon tracking down his phone number and calling, they received an earful about the drug's toxic effects. From there the Nagels talked with several other scientists dissenting against the HIV hypothesis. 

By early November the picture had become clear. The day they received a letter from Duesberg with scientific documents on AZT and on the shaky evidence for an AIDS virus, the Nagels stopped feeding their daughter the drug. [p. 303].

Nightmare over

Luckily, Lindsey’s young body was able to quickly bounce back from the toxic effects of AZT.

Lindsey's changes took even her parents by surprise: After Lindsey was off AZT, she became a "new" child almost overnight. She started sleeping much better, including longer hours … 

Her muscle cramps went away. She started eating at least 2-3 times as much every day  …

"She displayed a much calmer demeanor ...

“Lindsey, before, could not sit still for 5 minutes, and was seemingly agitated all the time … After seeing our nutritionist for only 2 months, and ridding Lindsey's body of toxic effects of being on AZT and Septra, Lindsey, now at 27 months, had an upswing on the chart. Her weight has been going up ever since.” [p. 304].

Predecessor to COVID

Come back to find out:

  • What else do coronavirus and HIV have in common?
  • Who’s censoring Kennedy’s expose The Real Anthony Fauci?
  • How many times have public health officials mistakenly blamed a virus or bacteria for a disease?

Previous articles from our AIDS series: