As Israeli soldiers fight in Gaza, Israel destroys their homes

Israeli forces Wednesday morning destroyed a row of homes in the Jewish town of Amona, including the house of a soldier currently fighting in Gaza.

Amona, a town located in the Binyamin Region and indigenous to Jews, has been declared Muslim land by Left-wing groups. In 2014 Israel’s Supreme Court ordered the state to destroy the town for the second time, and said it made no difference if Israelis had legally purchased the land.

Since then some Israelis have returned to live in Amona. One of them, identified as N., was called up to fight in Gaza following the October 7th massacre.

On Wednesday police forces conducted a surprise raid on Amona. They “violently confiscated” residents’ cell phones so that their actions would not be recorded, reported Srugim. They then proceeded to demolish several homes, including the one where N. has been living with friends. Because he is currently behind enemy lines and has limited access to civilian communication, N. will not be aware his home was destroyed until he returns from war.

The attack came as the town was already reeling from the death of one of its residents, Golani Brigade Captain Lior Snir, who was recently killed during the fighting in Gaza.

"While [N.] and his friends are giving their lives in Gaza for the sake of the state, the state comes early in the morning and razes his house to the ground,” said Boaz Spitz, who owned the house in which N. was living. “This is a stab in the back and a betrayal of him and all the fighters.”

Binyamin Regional Council head Israel Ganz expressed his shock in a letter to Central Command Major General Yehuda Fox, which he posted on X.

“How does it even cross their minds to send an evacuation force to the settlement when at the same time the family and the community were informed of the death of a resident of the settlement, an officer in [the elite unit] Sayeret Golani?!

“Furthermore, for a month and a half, we have been appealing and begging for enforcement against the breaking of roads and illegal construction that the Arabs in the area are carrying out, and we are told that the security forces are busy because of the war.”

Israel’s attack on Amona came just hours after the government agreed to release 300 violent Muslim prisoners in exchange for Hamas releasing 50 of the almost-240 hostages captured on October 7th. Israel also agreed to pause attacks on Hamas for three days — while also refraining from drone surveillance — as well as provide Hamas with fuel, and allow trucks of supplies into Gaza which will further bolster Hamas forces.

Amona has been evacuated and destroyed repeatedly, with reports of extreme police brutality.