'Are Americans still evolving?' - Comedian Atsuko Okatsuka on the preponderance of food allergies among her friends in U.S.

Asian-American stand-up comedian Atsuko Okatsuka highlighted a pervasive problem in the U.S. — a preponderance of food intolerances and allergies, which she says she noticed particularly among her “white friends.”

Come to America, get sick?

Okatsuka adds that she thought immigrants could not get these ailments until her immigrant grandmother became gluten intolerant.  

During her comedy routine (see her performance in the Instagram post below), Okatsuka said:

No, I really thought that this was something that only happened to white people.
No, no. Cause all my white friends, all my white friends, every single day there's a new thing they can't eat anymore. It's weird and they report it to me. Oh yeah, it's gluten that's hurting me. I cut that out yeah. No, it turns out it's dairy, too. Also got to cut that out. I can't eat peanuts! I'm allergic. 
Every single day there's a new thing my white friends can't eat anymore. . . .
For a second there I really thought that maybe white people were still . . .  evolving  

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As The Gateway Pundit's Jim Hoft reported, her punchline about gluten intolerance sparked a plethora of comments by users who shared their experiences with eating gluten and other foods commonly considered allergenic. 

Go back home, get cured?

Many who responded said this just seemed to be a phenomenon in the U.S.; when they went abroad, or back to their home countries, the problems practically disappeared. They related this to the ultra-processed foods most Americans eat, including one user who the Pundit quoted as saying:

“Our food in the US is made to make us sick thats why. Idc who wants to argue it, this country makes us sick to make more money for big Pharma and make you reliant on the government. If you’re sick you always pay for meds/treatments or you just die. We allow more chemicals in our foods than anywhere else, as many of these chemicals are banned in many countries bc they are absolutely toxic for us to eat . . .

Not just comedy?

This user may be on to something, as the U.S. permits farmers to spray many food crops, including grains, corn, and soy, with toxic glyphosate, sold as Roundup. For those individuals who can eat the foods in other countries, perhaps it's not a true food allergy but a reaction to the chemicals used to produce the foods.

However, glyphosate is also known to cause leaky gut syndrome which can increase intestinal permeability, releasing undigested or partially digested foods into the bloodstream. Since the body does not recognize them as belonging there, it sends antibodies after them. This may be the beginning of many food allergies.  

Vaccines contain a variety of animal products which once injected are recognized as foreign invaders and are attacked by antibodies in the same way that an antigen is. This can trigger allergies and other health conditions. For example, vaccines containing cow's milk proteins can “cause milk allergies, EoE, autism and type 1 diabetes,” and vaccines containing peanut oil can trigger allergies to peanuts, as well as to other nuts.

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