UK COVID report contains skewed data, admits high rate of vaccine deaths, still defends vaccine

The United Kingdom Health Security Agency (UKHSA) published the country’s latest COVID-19 vaccine data last week. The data show that COVID death rates and hospitalizations among fully vaccinated individuals were significantly lower than among vaccine-free individuals.  Case rates where significantly higher in the fully vaccinated category.

However, the report is severely limited in that it focuses only on COVID.  What are the rates of death in general (all-cause mortality) broken down by vax status?  We do not know because we cannot find any data from the UK that breaks down all-cause mortality by vax status.  All-cause mortality should be the key metric when weighing the value of any medical intervention.  Does anyone care if a vaccine offers protection against a disease if it causes heart attacks?  

As Robert F. Kennedy Jr. points out in his bestselling book, “The Real Anthony Fauci”,[i] [1] the Pfizer clinical trial results showed that whereas 2 people in the placebo group died of COVID and only 1 in the vaccinated group, five in the vaccinated group and none in the control group died of heart attacks.  In fact, “Twenty people died of “all-cause mortality” among the 22,000 recipients in Pfizer’s vaccine group versus only fourteen in the numerically comparable placebo group.”  The clinical trial was a failure in that all-cause mortality was significantly higher in the vaccine group over the control group.

Another problem with the report is the criteria it uses to list COVID deaths.  According to the report, “Deaths include those who died (a) within 28 days of the most recent episode of infection or (b) within 60 days of the episode specimen date or more than 60 days after the episode specimen date with COVID-19 mentioned on the death certificate.

Translated into plain English, if a person died within 28 days (or 60 days in a different chart) of testing positive, it is listed as a COVID death.  If a person died after 60 days of testing positive and COVID-19 was merely mentioned on the death certificate, it was listed as a COVID death.  According to these criteria, a person who died in a car accident within 28 days of testing positive is considered to have died of COVID-19.  This obviously inflates COVID deaths in all categories.

Thirdly, the report considers anyone who died within fourteen days of getting the shot as not vaccinated.  This means that if someone died within two weeks of the shot but had tested positive within the prior 28 days, it would be listed as a COVID death in the unvaccinated category, inflating COVID deaths among the unvaccinated.

Still, the UKHSA appears to be somewhat defensive because of the large number of COVID deaths among the fully vaccinated.  In a footnote to certain pages of the report the UKHSA admits that “it is expected that a large proportion of cases, hospitalisations and deaths would occur in vaccinated individuals.” 

But the UKHSA is unwilling to abandon the vaccine narrative that has been forced on the public for over a year. 

That’s why the footnote expands into various rationalizations.  

“In the context of very high vaccine coverage in the population, even with a highly effective vaccine, it is expected that a large proportion of cases, hospitalisations and deaths would occur in vaccinated individuals, simply because a larger proportion of the population are vaccinated than unvaccinated and no vaccine is 100% effective.” 

While these arguments certainly invite concerns, chief among them is that the UKHSA is now casting doubt on its own data and warning about taking them at face value. In which case, what have COVID-19 regulations been based on until now? 

Her Majesty’s government continues this train of thought to try running interference for the vaccine. 

“This is especially true because vaccination has been prioritised in individuals who are more susceptible or more at risk of severe disease,” added the footnote. “Individuals in risk groups may also be more at risk of hospitalisation or death due to non-COVID-19 causes, and thus may be hospitalised or die with COVID-19 rather than because of COVID-19.” 

Again, the UKHSA appears to be saying that the COVID-19 deaths in its report may not be COVID-19 deaths. 

But that would leave the United Kingdom with an impossible choice: either admit that the vaccine may be killing its hosts or admit to the last two years having been based on skewed data. 



[i] [1] Robert F. Kennedy Jr., The Real Anthony Fauci (Children’s Health Defense, Skyhorse Publishing, 2021), 188-191