Another Soros-backed DA becomes crime victim

Another district attorney whose policies have allowed crime to run rampant has been the victim of a theft.

Alameda County DA Pamela Price had her laptop stolen from her car Friday afternoon outside a government office in Oakland, California, reported ABC News. After waiting an hour for police to arrive, Price filled out a police report online.

Price, who proudly notes she is “the first Black female District Attorney in the history of Alameda County”, is facing a massive recall effort by voters to oust her from office due to skyrocketing crime rates. 

The California DA was elected with the help of billionaire George Soros, who spent over $550,000 to back Price’s campaign. She also received over $80,000 from Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) supporters to “fight structural racism.”

Price campaigned on an “anti-racist” platform which included cash bail reform and a promise to end stop-and-frisk policies. She also promised to pursue “comprehensive alternatives to incarceration” and her campaign ads targeted police as killers. “D.A. Nancy O’Malley never prosecuted an officer for murder,” said one of Price’s attack ads against her opponent.

Former DA officials have slammed Price for neglecting victims’ rights as she seeks leniency for perpetrators and have even accused her of racism toward the Asian community. In one example, Price refused to pursue sentencing enhancements for the killers of two-year-old Jasper Wu which would have made the gang members eligible for life without parole.

Oakland now leads the nation in vehicle thefts, having more than doubled in the past year. Since 2019 car break-ins have increased 40%, homicides have spiked 37%, robberies have surged 30%, and homelessness has risen 22%. Downtown drug overdoses have risen 2,500% since 2020.

Despite Price’s promises to solve racism, Oakland’s NAACP branch asked officials in July to declare a “public safety crisis” over the skyrocketing crime which is disproportionately affecting Black residents, reported the San Francisco Chronicle.

As taxpayers grappled with surging crime rates, Price gave her boyfriend a position in her office and a six-figure salary, though she did not disclose their relationship.

Even Oakland residents who voted Price into office are now joining the snowballing recall effort.

Price and approximately 75 other Soros-backed district attorneys across the United States are responsible for 40% of crime in the US. The billionaire has invested around $40 million installing soft-on-crime DAs who are now beginning to fall victim to their own policies.

Less than two weeks before Price’s theft, New Orleans District Attorney Jason Williams was carjacked at gunpoint.

Williams was helping his mother into a black Lincoln Navigator when he was approached by two men with rifles. The suspects seized the vehicle but were soon apprehended by police after they carjacked a woman nearly 30 minutes later half a mile away.

“I think it’s important to reiterate that my mother and I are just a small fraction of the number of people impacted by violence in this city,” Williams said. “We have to collectively work on crime-prevention efforts, policing efforts and our prosecution efforts.”

But many blame Williams himself for the rampant crime. When running for office in 2020 Williams vowed “social justice reforms” which included “alternatives to incarceration” and changes to the “ineffective and unfair money bail system.” 

“Being more selective about prosecutions will allow us to focus on the crimes that matter most to all of us,” Williams said after being sworn in, according to Truth Press. “We’ve got to go beyond punishment and invest in our community.”

In the months following his election victory, Williams dismissed 937 of the city’s 1,411 violent crime cases. In 2021 Williams dismissed 74% of felony cases, with only 4% resulting in guilty as charged convictions, according to a report by the Metropolitan Crime Commission. There was only a slight improvement in 2023, when 7% of the 343 criminal cases received by Williams’ office between January and April resulted in guilty as charged convictions. 

Williams’ election victory came after a $220,000 donation from billionaire George Soros helped fund attack ads against Williams’ opponent.