Another conspiracy theory proven fact...

José María Fernández Sousa-Faro founded PharmaMar, a Spanish pharmaceutical company, in 1986. He is a professor of Biochemistry at the Complutense and Santiago de Compostela Universities and has a degree in Business Administration from IESE in Madrid. He has around 100 publications and patents in the area of ​​biochemistry, antibiotics, and molecular biology, as well as over 35 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry at ICI-Farma, Antibióticcs, Zeltia and most recently at PharmaMar.

He was a member of the boards of directors of Antibióticos, Penibérica, Biolys, ICI-Farma, Pescanova, Transfesa, Cooper-Zeltia, ICI-Zeltia and Banco Guipuzcoano, according to data published on the website of the company.

Now, all that is not so interesting.

But what is interesting is that Sousa-Faro, who is 76 years old (and thus considered high-risk for COVID) is one of 2,200 “prominent” people currently under police investigation in Spain for falsely claiming to have been vaccinated with a COVID shot.

Why would a professor of biochemistry and someone who has worked in the pharmaceutical industry for decades not want to be vaccinated with one of pharma's latest gimmicks?

What is even more curious is that PharmaMar is developing its own drug to treat moderate COVID in hospitalized patients, so Sousa-Faro has no excuse for underestimating the risks of catching COVID.

Does he perhaps know something that we don't know?

This sort of thing has happened elsewhere as well.  The video below shows Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid receiving the shot.  Was he actually vaccinated?  What do you think?


First we see the nurse placing the syringe on Mr. Lapid's arm.  She never actually presses the plunger.  Then we see what a real vaccination looks like.  The difference is obvious.