Analysis of Israel Health Ministry database may call COVID-19 mortality figures into question

An Israel-based physicist analyzed the Health Ministry database that contains all COVID-19 victims, their age category, duration between the positive test to hospitalization, how long they were hospitalized, and whether they were on ventilator.

"The reason I entered the file is that in its introduction it is stated that everyone who ever came out positive in a coronavirus test and died is considered to have died from COVID-19," he said.

Findings include:

  1. There are 46 listed as COVID-19 deceased who passed away more than 30 days between the positive test and the day of hospitalization. There is one who died "of COVID-19" 281 days after the test.
  2. There are 95 listed as COVID-19 deceased who passed away more than 21 days from test to hospitalization.
  3. There are 2,487 listed as COVID-19 deceased who were hospitalized for at least two days, were not ventilated, and died, belying the touted supposition that most of the deceased were from pneumonia who had arrived for the very purpose of going on ventilator.
  4. There are 3,086 listed as COVID-19 deceased who were not ventilated and were hospitalized for at least one day.
  5. There are 293 listed as COVID-19 deceased who were hospitalized at least a week before the test, meaning they arrived to hospital probably not from COVID-19.

For an explanation of the PCR test and its intended uses, click here.