America's Frontline Doctors scores legal victory as federal court tosses infiltrator lawsuit

A Florida court has put a roadblock in the way of attorney Joey Gilbert's attempt to fire Dr. Simone Gold from the organization she founded America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) and prevented Gilbert from gaining control of funds citizens donated to the freedom advocacy group.

Failed set up

Gilbert approached AFLDS as a freedom fighter against mask mandates after showing up at mask rallies organized by others. Gaining the trust of the AFLDS board of directors, Gilbert arranged for a home office to be purchased in the name of an AFLDS subsidiary organization he himself created using his own law firm’s address. The arrangement called for Dr. Simone Gold to live in the house in lieu of part of her salary. She would run the organization from an office in the home and AFLDS employees would work there.  This arrangement saved the organization rental costs and further benefited the organization through ownership of an appreciating asset.

Gilbert then falsely claimed that Dr. Gold bought herself a home with donor funds and without his knowledge. Gilbert made this claim “under penalty of perjury” despite knowing that the house was purchased in the name of the subsidiary he set up and was done with his complete knowledge as he arranged the purchase.

Gilbert attempted to use this house purchase as grounds to wrest control of AFLDS from Dr. Gold, accusing her of an illegal home sale on social media and in a federal lawsuit. Just after filing suit against Dr. Gold, though, the judge ruled, on November 18th, that Gilbert, the plaintiff, was not entitled to the temporary restraining order he requested.

. . . the Court denies Plaintiffs' request for a TRO [temporary restraining order] for a number of reasons. First . . . Local Rule 6.01(a)(3) requires “a precise and verified explanation of the amount and form of the required security.” . . . The Court directed Plaintiffs to this requirement in its previous order. . . . But the only thing Plaintiffs include about security is a fill-in-the-blank phrase in their proposed Order that Plaintiffs must file bond. They do not specify the appropriate amount or form and do not provide an explanation for any amount. . .

. . . [the evidence] speaks against this being a true emergency. 

CEO doesn’t know what’s happening?

Now, after receiving Dr. Gold’s response to the lawsuit, the same judge that denied Gilbert’s request for a restraining order has dismissed the case entirely, noting that Gilbert was unable to properly describe how AFLDS is run, despite claiming to be Chairman of the Board! 

Plaintiffs also fail to explain AFLDS’ corporate structure. All that is alleged is that “AFLDS is currently governed and has always been governed by a Board of Directors,” and “AFLDS was run by its Board of Directors and staff.” . . . These vague statements offer the Court no insight into how AFLDS operates . . .

Gilbert’s vagueness led to ambiguity, undermining his claim that he’s taken over AFLDS.

The Court is not confident it knows about all the potential important corporate decision makers within AFLDS. . . . For example, the Complaint represents Plaintiff Gilbert to be “AFLDS Chairman of the Board, Chief Operating Officer, and Director of Strategy.” . . . If there is a Chief Operating Officer, is there a Chief Executive Officer? A Chief Information Officer? A complete c-suite? All this ambiguity has left Plaintiffs short of their burden. . . [Emphases added].

This lack of familiarity with AFLDS operations matches AFLDS’ claims that Gilbert’s main activities were adding ghost jobs for friends and transferring AFLDS funds to his accounts while failing to show up at meetings or to create any strategy, direction or activities for the organization.

Not even the right court

Gilbert’s inability to describe AFLDS’ inner workings proved fatal to his cause, precluding the court from even determining in which state AFLDS resides, something Gilbert was required to do in order to establish jurisdiction of the case.

In short, Plaintiffs have not provided a clear picture of what decisions the Board makes (or what authority the Board may have delegated to others). Plaintiffs have not even provided a clear picture of who may be considered a corporate decision maker. . . . Plaintiffs failed to provide enough information to establish AFLDS’ principal place of business, and thus have not met their burden of showing the Court’s diversity jurisdiction.

Reagan was a Democrat

Of course, hindsight is 100%, but the Right often receives former Leftists into its fold and Dr. Gold and the rest of AFLDS leadership did not hold Gilbert to account for his former Democrat connections - as President Ronald Reagan once responded when asked whether he has any blame for an economic recession, 

Yes, because for many years I was a Democrat.

Sordid past

Gilbert, for his part though, did not reveal to AFLDS leaders that his history with the Left did not end with his Democrat fundraiser and personal donations to the party. After joining AFLDS, he ran for governor with funding from a deceptively named Democrat front group called Patriot Freedom Fund, which registered with the secretary of state’s office just before the Republican primary, allowing it to conceal its Democrat connections until after ballots were cast. 

After losing the primaries, Gilbert did not concede.  Instead he received funding from a “close ally” to bring a frivolous lawsuit for election fraud. This had the unfortunate effect of delegitimizing actual cases of election fraud and other evidence based instances of government corruption. He also organized a protest against President Trump. That \"ally\" regularly promotes obviously fake conspiracy theories.

Gilbert also failed to disclose his anti-law enforcement activities in alerting illegals of ICE raids, support for increased taxes and regulations, suspension for cheating his boxing opponent or reprimand for cheating his own clients

Gilbert corruption

Joey Gilbert’s schemes, sanctions, reprimands, suspensions, political grifting, attack on Trump, association with proponents of fake conspiracy theories and assistance to illegals evading ICE are documented here: