America’s Frontline Doctors responds to NIH ivermectin claims

The National Institutes of Health’s COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines Panel last week recommended against the use of ivermectin as a treatment for COVID-19, the first time a federal health panel has done so, The Epoch Times reported

According to the updated guidelines, the “safety and efficacy of ivermectin for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19 have been evaluated in clinical trials and observational cohorts. . . . The Panel recommends against the use of ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19, except in clinical trials.

“Results from 2 recently published, large randomized controlled trials showed that the use of ivermectin did not provide a clinical benefit for patients with mild to moderate COVID-19,” the Panel added. “Based on these results, the Panel now recommends against the use of ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19, except in clinical trials.” 

Ivermectin is used by physicians around the world effectively and safely to treat early COVID-19. 

America’s Frontline Doctors Associate Medical Director Dr. Daniel Stock dismantled the Panel’s conclusion, noting that the studies cited did not research how ivermectin is actually used clinically to treat COVID-19. 

“Cherry-picking poorly-controlled studies where ivermectin is used in doses, populations and settings that it would not be used in clinical practice, is not a scientific method and no basis for a recommendation,” said Dr. Stock.  

“Randomized, blinded, placebo-controlled trials in moderately to severely ill patients, with doses of 24-48 mg, dosed with fatty meals, and started within 1-3 days of symptom onset have routinely shown benefit,” he added. “Testing birth control pills in men will make them appear useless, and that is effectively what this Federal panel has considered as evidence.” 

The renowned physician then had strong words for the Panel’s scientific approach. 

“Moreover, when a study shows benefit, other studies cannot then prove lack of benefit, even if properly performed, as there has already been SOME population that responded. This opinion is so logically flawed, that it demonstrates active ignorance, as you can only get so stupid for free.” 

While many studies suggest that ivermectin is indeed a safe, cheap, and effective treatment for COVID, many public health policymakers refused to permit its use to treat and prevent the disease. The FDA in its statement said the “FDA has not approved ivermectin for use in treating or preventing COVID-19” later admitting that “The FDA has not reviewed data to support the use of ivermectin in COVID-19 patients to treat or to prevent COVID-19”.

A report published in The American Journal of Therapeutics, examined 18 randomized controlled studies on the use of ivermectin to control COVID. It concluded that the use of ivermectin “significantly reduced risks of contracting COVID-19” and “found large, statistically significant reductions in mortality, time to clinical recovery, and time to viral clearance.”

The U.S military, based on leaked documents, also acknowledged that ivermectin 'works throughout all phases' of COVID.