Americans less interested in Jan 6 than claimed, says Harvard poll

As top Democratic leaders and media outlets continue to add endless encores to the January 6th theatre, a new poll shows they are performing to a largely disinterested audience. 

The survey, a project of Harvard University’s Center for American Political Studies in cooperation with The Harris Poll and HarrisX, was conducted among 2,100 registered voters online. 

Responses show that Americans believe January 6th is the number one issue for Democratic Party leaders (27%), followed by women’s rights (25%) and environment/climate change (23%). 

However, the issues Americans actually care about are price increases/inflation (37%), economy and jobs (29%), and immigration (23%). Only 7% of respondents consider January 6th an “important issue”. 

While there appears to be a great disconnect between American voters and the Democratic Party, respondents believe Republican Party leaders remain in line with the issues that matter most, beginning with immigration (37%), price increases/inflation (24%), and economy and jobs (21%). 

Furthermore, 74% of voters consider inflation to be a Very Important factor affecting their vote these coming midterm elections, with 22% saying it is Somewhat Important. Sixty-eight percent answered that crime is Very Important with 26% saying it is Somewhat Important, and 59% answered that immigration is a Very Important factor in their vote, against 31% who consider it Somewhat Important. 

“The threat to democracy of MAGA Republicans” came in as the third to lowest voting factor with 41% answering Very Important and 30% saying it is a Somewhat Important factor. 

That may explain why the least favorable political figures to Americans are January 6th puppeteers House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-CA), after Russian President Vladimir Putin. Schumer is tied at –12 with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), just under Hillary Clinton at –13. 

The most favorable political figures to Americans, on the other hand, remain Donald Trump, followed by Mike Pence and Joe Biden, who nevertheless has a net unfavorability of –8. 

But the Democratic cabal appears blithely unaware of these figures, instead forcing the American people to watch dramatic replays of the Capitol rally. 

On Monday, disgraced former FBI Agent Peter Stzrok and co-creator of the Trump-Russia Collusion hoax told a sympathetic MSNBC that “9/11 is nothing compared to January 6.” 

“If you look at the scale in terms of threat to democracy — I mean 9/11 was a tragedy, we lost thousands of lives in a horrific way — we still mourn to this day,” Strzok told MSNBC’s Nicole Wallace. “But when you look at something that is an attack on democracy . . . that could actually bring about a fundamental change to American governance, as we understand it — 9/11 is nothing compared to January 6.” 

Strzok is joined in concert by a bleating chorus of journalists who also equate January 6th with the 9/11 attacks. 

In September, as America marked 21 years since the 9/11 attacks that killed 3,000 innocents, media reporters used the day to relive January 6th, comparing the two events. Their remarks were included in an America’s Frontline News report published at the time.