AIDS without HIV

In The real cause of AIDS, known to health officials since day one, AFLDS laid out the evidence that months of amyl nitrite inhalant (popper) abuse leads to cancer on the face and in the lungs, the places most exposed to their dangerous fumes.   It also leads to a breakdown in the body’s natural immune system.

Testing the hypothesis

If it is true that a sudden explosion in drug abuse in the 1970s led to the startling appearance in 1980 of young, previously healthy, men with immune systems as weak as those of chemo patients, we would expect to see this in drug addicts, HIV-positive or not.

Not only is it indeed the case that AIDS appears in HIV-negative drug abusers, but it has been known to public health officials for decades. Internationally acclaimed virologist Peter Duesberg noted in his groundbreaking 1992 paper, AIDS Acquired by Drug Consumption and Other Non Contagious Risk Factors,“ the following anomalies. 

After the discovery of HIV, 5 out of 6 HIV-free male homosexuals from New York who have Kaposi's sarcoma have reported the use of nitrite inhalants … 

… another 6 cases of HIV-free Kaposi's sarcoma were reported in a "high risk population" from New York (Safai et aI., 1991). This indicates directly that HIV is not necessary and suggests that drugs are sufficient for AIDS …. 

A prospective Canadian study identified immunodeficiency in 33 out of 166 HIV-free homosexual men … a later report … from the same cohort documented that all had been using either more or less than 20 "hits" of nitrites per month … Thus, nitrites and possibly other drugs were sufficient for immunodeficiency. 

Even in patients who eventually tested positive for HIV, huge declines in their immune systems' function were seen when they were still HIV-negative, but after “extensive use of recreational drugs”.

Likewise, W. Lang et al. (1989) described a steady decline of T4-cells in 37 homosexual men in San Francisco from 1200 per μl prior to HIV infection to 600 or less at the time of infection. [Emphases added].

Health officials were thus already on notice at least as early as 1989, with the publication of Dr. Lang’s findings, that the breakdown in the immune system was happening before, or in the absence of, any HIV infection (but coinciding with the use of recreational drugs).

Just poppers?

Is it just poppers that cause AIDS? When it comes to one of the two prominent illnesses seen since day one of the AIDS epidemic, the answer appears to be yes. The very first AIDS patients exhibited Kaposi's sarcoma in addition to a breakdown in their immune systems. Professor Duesberg notes that AIDS patients suffer this cancer exclusively on the face, upper torso and lungs, precisely where the poppers' fumes concentrate during use

Immune system failure, however, in which young, healthy men suffer from rare pneumonias, tuberculosis, and candidiasis, and from a general breakdown in the ability of the body to maintain itself, exhibited by lymphoma, endocarditis, and wasting disease, is something seen in people addicted to other drugs as well.

In fact, HIV-negative heroin addicts have a 3-5% chance of not making it to the end of the year. Interestingly, that is the same annual death rate that HIV-positive addicts have. Whether they are HIV-positive or not, their bodies stop functioning properly and they die of the same opportunistic infections. The only difference is in determination of cause of death.  If they die with an HIV-positive test result, their pneumonia or tuberculosis is considered an AIDS death. If they die with a negative HIV test, pneumonia or tuberculosis is considered the cause of death.

The Duesberg paper went on to provide data showing that HIV status was not relevant in determining whether a drug addict would become ill.

  • Among intravenous drug users suffering from a "spectrum of HIV-related diseases,"  28 out of 50 pneumonia deaths were HIV-negative, 7 out of 22 endocarditis deaths, and 6 out of 16 tuberculosis deaths were HIV-negative,
  • 6 out of 289 HIV-free intravenous drug users had pneumonia,
  • 30 out of 54 prisoners with tuberculosis were HIV-negative,
  • 19 out of 21 long-term heroin addicts with low ratios of helper to suppressor T-cells were HIV-negative,
  • Thrombocytopenia and immunodeficiency were diagnosed, on average, 10 years after the subjects became addicted, whether or not they were HIV-positive.

In fact, the role of recreational drugs in immune suppression precedes the AIDS epidemic by many years. Professor Duesberg lets us know about the earliest source for this role.

From as early as 1909 (Achard et al., 1909) evidence has accumulated that long-term consumption of psychoactive drugs leads to immune suppression and clinical abnormalities similar to AIDS, including lymphopenia, lymphadenopathy, fever, weight loss, septicemia, increased susceptibility to infections, and profound neurological disorders.

Recreational drugs were always playing havoc with the body, but in the absence of widespread drug abuse, they did not lead to an epidemic of health problems.

COVID as a repeat performance?

Does all this sound familiar? To an extent, the same can be said about the family of coronaviruses. A novel (new) version is alleged to have developed in 2019 that wreaked havoc on global health but was only blamed when there was a positive test for it. The exact same symptoms coinciding with a negative virus test would oblige doctors to diagnose a person as having contracted influenza, pneumonia, heart disease or any other illness from which the patient suffered. No actual increase in overall death would be necessary to create the impression of an out-of-control epidemic. In fact, the average age of death with the new disease is greater than the average age of death without it.

Excess deaths could be caused in some locales, though, by dangerous, new hospital protocols calling for the use of ventilators or powerful drugs like Remdesivir in cases where they would not have been used had the patient presented with the same symptoms but with a negative virus test.

Something new

What’s different is that in the case of AIDS there was a true, dramatic jump in overall deaths and particularly in an age group that should have expected a long life ahead of them. So there had to be something new, not just a relabeling of pneumonia and other illnesses as AIDS. Duesberg wrote a book, Inventing the AIDS Virus, about what was new.

The 1960s gained the reputation as the decade of freely available drugs, especially marijuana and psychedelics. But in reality, the widespread escalation in drug use began largely during the Vietnam War, about a decade before the appearance of AIDS. Much of the explosion has taken place only in recent years [in the 1980s]. Overall drug arrests in the United States totaled approximately 450,000 in 1980, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, and the total was up to 1.4 million by 1989 …

In the decade 1976 to 1985, the number of addicts admitted to hospitals doubled and then doubled again. During 1985, some 580 injection drug addicts died in hospitals, increasing to 2,483 such deaths by 1990 …

… the highest price of the American drug epidemic is the tens of thousands of drug diseases and drug deaths that it generates each year. Indeed, the drug epidemic appears to have generated the first really new disease epidemic in the Western world since World War II. 

Check back

Please visit again for the continuation of our AIDS series as we answer these crucial questions:

  • What do coronavirus and HIV have in common?
  • What do the COVID vaccines and the HIV treatment have in common?
  • How and why did Dr. Fauci suppress evidence that HIV does not cause AIDS?
  • How many times have public health officials mistakenly blamed a virus or bacteria for a non-contagious disease?
  • Why isn’t the AIDS-HIV controversy making the news with Kennedy’s  The Real Anthony Fauci now selling over one million copies?
  • Was AIDS a trial run for COVID?

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