AFLDS responds to mask mandate ruling as globalists seethe

A federal judge in Florida Monday declared the Biden administration’s federal mask mandate for travel unlawful, effectively ending the mandate. 

As reported by Frontline News last week, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention just decided to extend the mask mandate, which was set to expire on April 18th, until May 3rd

But U.S. District Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle ruled Monday that the mandate must end immediately.  

“Because our system does not permit agencies to act unlawfully even in pursuit of desirable ends, the court declares unlawful and vacates the mask mandate,” the federal judge wrote. 

The country’s top physicians and medical experts have lauded the ruling, including America’s Frontline Doctors Founder Dr. Simone Gold. 

“BREAKING: has been leading the charge to restore civil rights, and now finally … NO MORE MASK MANDATES! A federal judge has struck down all CDC's unlawful mask mandates,” Dr. Gold tweeted. 

“The CDC’s federal mask mandate has just been struck down by a judge,” added Dr. Gold. “This unconstitutional mandate should have never been instituted in the first place—but the relentless push by AFLDS and others to resist medical tyranny is now clearing the way to restore our freedoms.” 

Others celebrated the termination of the mask mandate, which had no scientific basis. 

“BREAKING: A federal judge has just struck down CDC’s unlawful mask mandate on airlines and public transportation. Who here wants @Delta & all airlines stop making passengers wear masks—as in right now?" wrote Tea Party Patriots Co-Founder Jenny Beth Martin.  

Delta Airlines is now one of the major airlines making mask wearing optional, along with American Airlines, Jet Blue and Southwest.  

“Great to see a federal judge in Florida follow the law and reject the Biden transportation mask mandate,” said Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. “Both airline employees and passengers deserve to have this misery end.” 

Some videos have been circulating on social media showing flight attendants and passengers celebrating when they find out mid-flight that the mask mandate has ended. 

Others have been livid that the people will no longer be forced to wear masks, and immediately began calling Judge Mizelle unqualified. 

“Trump-Appointed Judge Deemed ‘Not Qualified’ by Bar Association Voids Mask Mandate on Planes, Other Travel,” ran a headline by the Rolling Stone. 

“This is Kathryn Kimball Mizelle,” tweeted podcast host Brian Tyler Cohen. “She is a Federalist Society judge who worked for Clarence Thomas. The American Bar Association said she is unqualified to hold office, but Republicans confirmed her anyway after Trump lost. She just ruled the CDC can’t require masks on planes.” 

“Since 1989, the American Bar Association has assessed federal judicial nominees for consideration by the Senate. Of the 1,400 or so nominees assessed, just 22 have been rated ‘not qualified,'” echoed globalist operative Charlotte Clymer. “Kathryn Kimball Mizelle, who just struck down the flight mask mandate, is one of them.” 

“FYI, the Florida federal judge who just threw out the airline mask mandate, 33-year-old Trump appointee and Federalist Society member Kathryn Kimball, never tried a case in court and was declared ‘Not Qualified’ to be a judge by a majority the [ABA]’s vetting committee,” Kurt Andersen commented.  

“The judge who made this ruling, Kathryn Kimball, is 35 yrs old,” journalist Sam Stein said. “Was confirmed at the age of 33 during the lame duck. Judiciary matters.” 

This triggered some notable responses from conservative figures, such as Fox News host Laura Ingraham. 

“I look forward to all the stories about how The Hon. Kate Mizelle who struck down the mask mandate is an example of a strong woman who thinks for herself,” Ingraham wrote.