AFLDS doctors address the crowd at ‘March on DC’

Doctors from America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) addressed thousands of participants at the recent “March on DC” rally. Also known as “Defeat the Mandates”, the rally was attended by people across the nation who marched in unison for an end to the COVID-19 mandates. While restrictions such as vaccine and mask mandates have been imposed by governments across the globe, they have also been vehemently pushed by the Biden administration. 

The event featured speeches by popular figures such as JP Sears and Bret Weinstein, as well as spiritual leaders and the foremost experts of the medical community. 

Such experts included Dr. Peter McCullough, one of the most widely published cardiologists in the world. As the mainstream media’s “Enemy Number One,” McCullough has challenged the COVID narrative, calling for an end to the COVID-19 vaccine and promoting life-saving drugs such as Hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. 

At the rally, McCullough addressed the throngs: 

"You and you alone have the freedom, have autonomy over your own body,” he said. “The freedom to determine what happens to your own body. That is your sole possession.” 

Another speaker was Dr. Ryan Cole, a physician volunteer at AFLDS. Dr. Cole is a pathologist who was vilified by the medical establishment for prescribing ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19 treatment. Like many independent medical scientists and experts, Dr. Cole demonstrated that these drugs are a cure for early COVID-19. Now, many states are introducing legislation to allow these drugs to be administered to COVID patients. 

In his remarks, Dr. Cole slammed the mainstream media. 

“There are people with cameras on this stand that went to journalism school and now they are shilling for Big Pharma,” he said as the crowd booed. “...when you woke up in the morning, CNN, did you say, ‘I’m going to cancel and censor doctors today so people can die?’ We hold you responsible too.” 

Dr. Pierre Kory is another medical expert who drew the ire of the media and medical establishment. Kory, a renowned critical care physician, was one of those who promoted ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine as viable treatments for early COVID-19. 

“We’ve known now for two years that there are cheap, safe, highly effective and widely available medicines that can treat this disease,” Dr. Kory said to the crowd. “That information, that information has been suppressed. We are in a war of information.” 

Dr. Richard Urso is an opthalmologist at the top of his field who works with America’s Frontline Doctors. Dr. Urso also promotes the use of Hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19 and has even had complaints lodged against him for doing so. Dr. Urso patented a treatment which eventually became FDA approved for the treatment of neurotic keratitis. 

“We’ve been fired, censored, erased from Wikipedia, but we’re standing strong because we are with you!” said Dr. Urso to the cheering crowd. “...Today, you’re going to hear the truth. And I ask you to have courage to help our future generations resist this tyranny.” 

Dr. Brian Tyson also took the stage. Dr. Tyson is considered a COVID-19 treatment expert, having evaluated over 17,000 patients, over 1,900 positive cases, only one hospitalization and zero deaths. Dr. Tyson joins the lineup as a physician who supports the use of ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19 treatment. 

These doctors were also among the 17,000 physicians and medical scientists who signed the Rome Declaration,