Abortion sympathizer slammed for vaccine mandate 'hypocrisy'

Former Labor Secretary and abortion sympathizer Robert Reich Sunday elicited backlash for tweeting support for bodily autonomy after calling repeatedly for forced vaccinations. Reich, who was Secretary of Labor under former President Bill Clinton, boasts over 1.5 million followers. 

“I don’t know who needs to hear this but every person should have control over their own body,” he tweeted, referring to the US Supreme Court’s Friday ruling which overturned landmark abortion case Roe v. Wade. Reich is of the camp which believes freedom ends where public health – which is dictated by authority – begins. 

While Reich may have missed the irony of his tweet, he was quickly reminded of it by Twitter users. 

“This you?” one user asked, quoting Reich’s tweet from last year that “every company in America should require all its workers to be vaccinated, period.”

“This you??” another user echoed, this time quoting a different tweet from Reich: 

“OSHA shouldn’t need Congress’s authorization to impose a vaccine-or-testing mandate at the workplace, according to Supreme Court precedent. By ruling otherwise, the conservative majority just signaled it’s willing to strike down hundreds of worker safety regulations. Appalling.” 

“*cough*,” wrote another user above yet another Reich tweet: 

“Let’s get one thing straight: Getting vaccinated is not solely a matter of personal choice. Herd immunity is a common good. If infections mount, that common good can only be achieved if nearly everyone is vaccinated.” 

"Robert, I keep receipts,” responded another user above Reich’s tweet from April: 

"Freedom doesn’t mean you have the right to jeopardize the health of others, incubate worse strains of a deadly virus, and keep us in a pandemic for years on end.” 

“Pretty rich, coming from you,” replied another netizen, quoting another of Reich’s "Let’s get one thing straight” tweets from last year: 

“Let’s get one thing straight: Freedom doesn’t mean you have the right to recklessly endanger others by refusing to get vaccinated.” 

“What was that thing you said during COVID again, where to hell with personal choice??” another user tweeted above a quote from Reich saying, “Republicans who call vaccine mandates unconstitutional are talking rubbish.” 

“This doesn’t seem to be congruent with your theory of body autonomy,” tweeted another, quoting another of Reich's tweets against the unvaccinated.

The other responses were as one would expect: 

“Didn’t you also demand that everyone get vaxxed?” 

“Exactly. That's why I refused to get jabbed. As I recall you didn't have this view during the pandemic.” 

“You little shiz, where were you while the federal government was mandating quarantines, social distancing, forced masks and vaccination otherwise the noncompliant lost their bodily autonomy and/or employment. Reich, you're intellectually dishonest or a pandering coward. Get lost!” 

“I had to get 2 vaccines or I would have been fired, and I would not have been allowed on a plane, train or bus. NEVER say my body, my choice again.”