A sovereign being would never submit to a medical procedure to procure some benefit from a tyrant: Opinion

Don't say "all of us have been cornered". I haven't, others haven't; it depends what tradeoffs one is willing to make.

In my mind, the starting point is that medical intervention is never justified for any reason other than medical. It's the difference between a slave and a free man.

A sovereign being would never submit to a medical procedure to procure some benefit from a tyrant.

Yesterday I found myself at a Greg's Cafe in a mall after picking up and carrying some heavy equipment. In the sharav heat wave that was in its second day, I asked if I could sit at one of the empty tables and was asked whether I bear the "Green Pass", otherwise I must sit outside.

It goes without saying that I turned and left, but I reflected on the bovine indifference and smug demeanor of those privileged vaccinated seated inside, who are willing to let a fellow human languish in the heat and be demoted to secondary status for my unwillingness to submit to something that they don't believe in anyhow.

In my dealings I'd estimate that the vast majority understands that from a clean medical standpoint the vaccine is unnecessary at best, but their personal be-all-end-all is: "When can I get back to normal?"

And in so behaving, they prove the abject failure of Holocaust education that, instead of having us vapidly watchdogging expressions of anti-Jewish sentiment - as if it's written somewhere that people have to like us - should have focused on teaching us how to recognize when loyalty to principle has been usurped by loyalty to a source of power.