20 things I've learned (or had confirmed) about humanity during the "pandemic"'

Rapper and podcaster Zuby has authored a list of "20 things I've learned (or had confirmed) about humanity during the 'pandemic'" that has passed 47,000 likes and almost 17,000 retweets, and has garnered more than 5 million impressions and a segment on The Joe Rogan Experience.His list reads:

1/ Most people would rather be in the majority, than be right.2/ At least 20% of the population has strong authoritarian tendencies, which will emerge under the right conditions.3/ Fear of death is only rivalled by the fear of social disapproval. The latter could be stronger.4/ Propaganda is just as effective in the modern day as it was 100 years ago. Access to limitless information has not made the average person any wiser.5/ Anything and everything can and will be politicized by the media, government, and those who trust them.6/ Many politicians and large corporations will gladly sacrifice human lives if it is conducive to their political and financial aspirations.7/ Most people believe the government acts in the best interests of the people. Even many who are vocal critics of the government.8/ Once they have made up their mind, most people would rather to commit to being wrong, than admit they were wrong.9/ Humans can be trained and conditioned quickly and relatively easily to significantly alter their behaviors - for better or worse.10/ When sufficiently frightened, most people will not only accept authoritarianism, but demand it.11/ People who are dismissed as 'conspiracy theorists' are often well researched and simply ahead of the mainstream narrative.12/ Most people value safety and security more than freedom and liberty, even if said 'safety' is merely an illusion.13/ Hedonic adaptation occurs in both directions, and once inertia sets in, it is difficult to get people back to 'normal'.14/ A significant % of people thoroughly enjoy being subjugated.15/ 'The Science' has evolved into a secular pseudo-religion for millions of people in the West. This religion has little to do with science itself.16/ Most people care more about looking like they are doing the right thing, rather than actually doing the right thing.17/ Politics, the media, science, and the healthcare industries are all corrupt, to varying degrees. Scientists and doctors can be bought as easily as politicians.18/ If you make people comfortable enough, they will not revolt. You can keep millions docile as you strip their rights, by giving them money, food, and entertainment.19/ Modern people are overly complacent and lack vigilance when it comes to defending their own freedoms from government overreach.20/ It's easier to fool a person than to convince them that they have been fooled.

After the list, Zuby added a "bonus thought:

"21/ Most people are fairly compassionate and have good intentions (this is good)."As a result, most people deeply struggle to understand that some people, including our 'leaders', CAN have malicious or perverse intentions (this is bad)."
