16-year-old boy undergoes emergency clot-removal surgery after vaccination; Expert: 'Unequivocally a side effect of the vaccine'

AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson vaccines are apparently not the only COVID-19 pharmaceutical products found to cause hypercoagulability: A 16-year-old boy in Israel developed hypercoagulability and had to undergo emergency clot removal surgery after receiving the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.

The Wall Street Journal last week reported that Johnson & Johnson privately reached out to COVID-19 vaccine rivals to ask them to join an effort to study the risks of blood clots and speak with one voice about safety, but Pfizer and Moderna "declined".

Health Communication Lecturer at IDC Herzliya International School Dr. Yaffa Shir Raz responded to the incident, saying: "Think hard before you offer up your kids."

She wrote: "If you're even thinking of giving them your child, you should first hear the story published by Limor Perira from the Civil Investigation Committee, who hasn't slept for months because all the reports of side effects flowing to the committee reach her. Listen and think carefully.

"The story she published should reach every media outlet, not only in this country, but also around the world, because it unequivocally clarifies that not only AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson's vaccines, but also Pfizer's vaccine can cause dangerous clotting events, and in this case, not in an adult, but in a child.

"A 16-year-old boy, completely healthy before the vaccine, developed a large blood clot in the carotid artery. The title of his hospitalization summary - in capital letters is: ADVERSE EVENT OF COVID-19 VACCINE.

"Try as the hospital might to rummage through the boy's medical history to find explanations for what happened to him - congenital malformation, autoimmune disease, coronavirus - they turned up nothing. Unequivocally this is a side effect of the vaccine.

"A 16-year-old boy was hospitalized with blood clots in his hands, shortly after the second vaccination.

"In the hospital, a clot was found in the subclavian artery in his left hand.

"The boy underwent a basic hypercoagulability test to make sure the cause was not congenital or autoimmune, and was found okay.

"Other indices of hypercoagulability, d-dimer, returned normal.

"COVID-19 test, negative. There are COVID-19 antibodies from the vaccine.

"Normal heart ultrasound; there's no congenital heart defect that would explain such emboli or any other finding in the heart that can cause emboli.

"He received treatment against the coagulation mechanism - Clexane, which is anti-thrombotic - and aspirin.

"He also received an Iloprost Infusion that has a combined effect - it's a vasodilator, an anti-inflammatory, and an anticoagulant.

"After two weeks of hospitalization, when none of this worked, he underwent emergency surgery to remove the clot. Now thank G-d he is already home, but had to have Clexane injected into his stomach twice a day, and he has a long recovery and rehabilitation process yet ahead.

"'I ask not to judge the mother,' Limor writes. 'The family is broken and after a difficult period. This is a good woman and a devoted mother. She had no idea that there was a risk and could not be blamed. The general public isn't exposed to information. Today, in retrospect she would have behaved differently. No, judging doesn't help.'"

Dr. Shir Raz continued: "So think hard before you offer up your kids.

"And while you're busy considering, you should remember that the vaccines of AstraZeneca and J&J were stopped due to a few cases of hypercoagulability per 4-5 million, which occurred in adults. In our country, already after vaccinating a relatively small amount of adolescents, we see at least one serious case, and at least 7 more clotting events in adults. Where is the Health Ministry and why does it not report this to us? And, you should know this is not the only case - our committee has already reported 8 cases of clotting events."

She concluded: "And think about this news that was published today in the media all over the world - but not to us: Johnson & Johnson quietly asked its competitors to investigate the risk of blood clots in their vaccines as well. AstraZeneca was interested in joining forces in investigating the matter, but Moderna and Pfizer refused. They probably have good reason."